Table of Contents
Episode: 424
Airdate: Aug 02, 2009 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Bandit takeover show
Jackrabbit is out sick… Poink and Hugh Manatee are missing.
- Anonymous border collie 1
- Anonymous border collie 2 (Mutt)
- Kwisa (Subservient)
- Terek Wolf (Subservient - triple trouble)
- Snatcher (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- Yappy Fox got a SlapChop as a gift… leading to his earworm of the week.
- Movie Talk: Tron Legacy (coming in 2010)
- The cast appears as Border Collies
- Mutt tries out a new collar: red!
- Mutt gets texted on air and somewhat gets a zoned out look
- The cast talks about Megaplex…
- Mutt uses his telekinesis to knock over dominos…
- …and then farts them over.
- Sophie (
sp? @ 2:03:00) calls in and talks about Comic Con
- Yappy Fox mentions that during Episode 420, the Copy Guard of the DVD recorder stopped during the “Half Baked” excerpts.
- J.R. Schnauzer Jr. (introduced in Episode 423a) shows what he can do with his hands.
- The cast talks about bad plots and favorite characters in cartoons…
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Suggested by YinYang: Pawpets in Tron
- Suggested by channel: Slap-Chop Pawpets
Videos shown
- Rap Chop
- “The mouse that Jack built”
- Grey fox cub video
- Fursuiters on playground
- “My Little Pony” - mock trailer
- “Walk away” PSA (“This is your body!”)
- Love me, beat me - Mean kitty
- “Get your skates on” - skating Raccoon animation
- “Remember who you are” - Lion King mesh up
- Cadbury Caramel commercial
- “Calbee” - whatever Japanese commercial
- Pizza Toppings
- Fishtank…
- Sony Watchman TV commercial
- Pants Pankuro - weird cartoon with a diapered hippo and a toilet…
- “There's a bear outside”
- Whaaaaat? commercial: duck hunting
- French animation -
title @ 1:27:00
- TRON legacy - trailer
- “The nut job” animation
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Ezra “Goodbye! Gonna love my nuts!”
episodes/episode_424.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by