Table of Contents
Episode: 429
Airdate: Sep 13, 2009 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Back from vacation
Show Highlights
- Anonymous Voop sings “Leave me alone”
- Ezra returns from Europe: and brings stuff - including some Smurf sugar dip
- KuddlePup brings up a moose puppet and does the Bullwinkle voice
- Yappy Fox plays some Abba songs, done in Metal style…
- JackRabbit eats the Smurf candy and drinks a swig of coke.
- Somehow it turns out much more fun to try to position a blindfolded JackRabbit than to first position him and THEN blindfold him.
- Kuddlepup tries to get the cast to a game of “spits or swallows” like segment in which they taste regular stuff blindfolded.
- The sink goes “pippety pipptey pop” after Jackrabbit dumps some pop rocks in there….
- Herbie's holliday pictures / coaster videos
- KuddlePup's holliday pictures from Vienna, EF and Amsterdam
- Movie Talk: 9
- Forest gets a mullet haircut
- Poink starts the “Comic MST3k”
- Poink states that Jaeger - the radio show host from Episode 400 got fired…
- Who was your favorite Muppet?
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- IRC channel suggested: Pawpet Elvis
- Pawpets on vaccation
Videos shown
- Goodbye Ringberg - Atkelar
- Weird version of Sesame Street
title @ 2:33:00
- Weird finger puppets
title @ 2:34:45
- The animator and the seat
- Music Video: Carma cameleon
- Music Video: Relax!
- Music Video: I'm too sexy
- Music Video: Achy Breaky Heart
- Music Video:
@ 3:15:00
- Music Video: My heart will go on
- Music Video: Don't let me get me
- Music Video: F* you - Lilly Allan
- Elton John on the Muppet Show
- Music Video: I don't feel like dancing
- Music Video: Radio Ga-Ga
- Music Video: Bicycle race
Nutshots of the week
- “Best of”
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Hugh Manatee flops on the stage with a slight farting sound…
- Ezra “You're stu…”1)
that got cut off
episodes/episode_429.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by