Table of Contents
Episode: 430
Airdate: Sep 20, 2009 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]RTR visits
Before the show a live episode of Rapit T. Rabbit was recorded on the Pawpet stage, featuring Mutt, Poink and Hugh Manatee.
- Ramen and Flavor Pack, the big and the little panda
- Rapit T. Rabbit
Show Highlights
- Mutt found a bottle of expired milk in Yappy Fox's fridge - and Jackrabbit sniffs it: “Oh, come on… *sniff* OH GOD!”
- Ezra tests if the cast is Euro- or US-centric…
- Simba is eating an Otter Pop to porn music…
- Hugh Manatee splats on the wall
- Spoiler tells the tale of the “Muffin” in Amsterdam
- Simba gets introduced to the Smurf candy of Episode 429
- “Guilty Pleasures” game…
- Crappy Doo shows Mutt to the door for liking TLK 1.5
- Hugh Manatee rick rolled the audience with his ear worm
- Several pawpets get thrown off stage during “Smells like teen spirit”, knocking off the stage board and clonking Jackrabbit and BraceBear on the head…
- The cast discusses the upcoming MegaPlex
- Interview with Rapit T. Rabbit
- Mutt tells a story of how he got a visitor - who is “a bit slooow” - a meet and greet
- Bear (from Bear in the big blue house) calls in
- BitBear earns his name!
- Organ music sing-along…
- Herbie asks questions about the show and sees who was paying attention
Nutshot of the week
- Jumping off a fence
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Big Booshwee1)
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Mutt “I WANT AN OTTER POP!” while flipping over the stage board again
episodes/episode_430.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by