Table of Contents
Episode: 431
Airdate: Sep 27, 2009 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Analog Audio Anyone?
Show Highlights
- During the opening, the mics are hot… and we can hear Yappy Fox and JackRabbit.
- Yappy Fox plays opera on a turntable and “scratches”…
- Some old records are played…
- The cast talks about their first fursuiting experiences.
- Yappy Fox tells us how he had whitnessed a rather embarassing moment involving animatronic characters.
- Mutt tries to scratch to “Rock it”
@ 1:50:00 name? from the rock-afire explosion calls in
- Rummage introduces his girlfriend Petunia…
- …and the others are making fun of him.
- Todd's furry news is presented for the first time
- Hugh plays with - and gets caught in - the swear jar.
- Mutt tries to find out whether or not to use Twitter
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- no official topic was announced, though some pictures with “pawpets in opera” were submitted
Videos shown
- Music Video:
title @ 59:00
- Pawpet News Flash: Gun Accident - Atkelar
- A closed set means: SCRAM - Rapid T. Rabbit visits the Muppets
- Literal Video - Total eclipse of the heart
- “Headshot” Video
- Showbiz Pizza - video (www.rockafiremovie.com)
- Carnevil clowns
- Michael Jackson in “Home Alone again”
- Music Video:
title 2:32:00 - Men at work
- Minesweeper - the movie (trailer, CollegeHumor.com)
- Make me psychic - strange animation video
- IQ - “I Quit” commercial
- Bear Wiz Bear commercial
- “Chazz”
- Mean Kitty - the evil candy bowl
- Car-Fax / Car-Fox commercial
- Burping Owl
- Ant and bug - car alarm
- Point your finnger wiggle puppet
- Music Video: “Wrong Hole”
- 2 Team Fortress 2 videos
- Pawpet News EF15 Report - Atkelar
- Camel Filters “animation”
- Ms PacMan cereal commercial
- Gorillaz: Clint Eastwood
Nut shot of the week
- Nut shot: shovel + Tire
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Ezra, talking to Mutt: “You're officially a Twit!”
seen kissing another raccoon during role call
episodes/episode_431.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by