Table of Contents
Episode: 438
Airdate: Nov 29, 2009 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]10th Year Anniversary
- Twinkie
- Jackie Dog (Subservient)
- Jazzy (Subservient)
- Slushy (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- Show starts with the old, old, old intro…
- Ezra tells tales from MFF
- Ezra reads a letter from a fan
- Movie talk: Star Trek
- “Tickle Me Ezra” the new toy?
- Poink looks up ZhuZhuPets…
- Poink tells about the Star Wars raid on Sesame Street he staged on Christmas
- Blitz starts to make a name for himself by repeatedly asking “what's a …?” when the cast compares their best christmas presents.
- Poink tells about the racing simulator mod with Hustler pictures and melting a screwdriver…
- Kuddlepup writes a fancy “Funday Pawpet Show” sign
- Test pattern… and Bandit walks by.
- Hugh Manatee states that he hates Feliz Navidad - a cue to Yappy Fox to play the song… and everybody sings different words to it.
- Shrinky Dinks!!!
- We hear what's on Blitz's iPod!
- Kuddlepup looses his voice while reading roll call.
- Ezra mentions that he cannot contract H1N1… he's only capable to contract R2D2
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- “OMFG 10 Cursing Years” related
- Pawpets on a pizza
- Caption: Jackie dog beheading somebody for touching his iPod
Videos shown
- Music Video: “Only You Can” - Fox
title @ 1:28:45
- Merlin commercial
- Polar Bear pooping
- “Sesame Street” intro
- Bumbo III
- Robot choreography to “Silent Night”, “Santa Claus is coming to town”
- Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody (cut short, video fail)
- Public health agency of canada: Sneezing into the back of your knee
- Pepper stop motion animation
- Pigeon Impossible animation
- The adventures of little Cthulhu
- Turkey dinner: 30 seconds. Thermite by the looks of it
- Horse kick
- Strange potty animation
title @ 2:24:00
- Hangin' out at the grill
- Bad quality VHS… (gong'd)
- Furry Song (v1) - Kurrel (cut short)
- Japanese commercial….
what? @ 2:29:45
- Creepy clay-mation
title @ 2:30:00
- SRIAA - Atkelar
- V - Dance for Art 1
- RJ Gritter - RC plane choreography
- “live” Animation
title @ 2:42:30
- Deluxe Hugs, 2$
- Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody
- Rat Poison… illegal medicin warning
- Cats and Domo (Gong'd)
- Three more japanese commercials (Gong'd)
- Mascot?
title @ 2:52:15
- Bear at dinner table
- Mascot Outtakes
- Stewie playing with a see and say
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Ezra “Ohh-I'm sick!”
- Poink “Prick!” (Hitting Erza over the head with Hugh)
episodes/episode_438.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by