Table of Contents
Episode: 440
Airdate: Dec 13, 2009 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Christmas warm-up
JackRabbit is out this week.
- Creepy - off screen
Show Highlights
- KuddlePup tells about splitting his fingernail
- A Pecker noms on Johnny Mantis
- Pecker pushes Arthur off the stage as he views the chip chart
- Helping hands for Arthur…
- Arthur does a breakdance bit with ~V~'s beat box
- Bandit gets his second toy: a squeaky burger
- Yappy Fox digs through his MIDI/MOD collection
- ~V~ actually does the “Moskau Dance”.
- A chipmunk version of the “Timewarp” causes hilarity
- Movie talk: “Princess and the frog” - including Java who gives insight opinion.
- Yappy Fox sets up two cameras, almost side by side to give the viewers a semi-3D experience…
- Several “christmas” songs are played
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- No topic was announced…
Videos shown
- Music Video: Everybody have fun tonight - Wang Chung
- Music Video: Low Rider - Raw
- Music Video: Colorful “animation” -
title @ 1:27:30
- Basketball playing rats
- Antz Pantz - commercial
- Black video…?
title/song @ 1:33:00
- “Happy Meal drive through” in Fursuit
- “Captain Night Owl”
- Clown mask dance routine fail
- The Tetris gods
- Music Video: Space invaders video
title @ 1:42:00
- FurFright 2009 - Oreo
- High Speed camera video
- BucktownTiger: Dance of the sugarplum ferries
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Ezra “Byyyyeee - cough” (waving into the camera and dropping off the stage)
verfication needed
episodes/episode_440.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by