Table of Contents
Episode: 443
Airdate: Jan 03, 2010 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Poink Poots-a-Plenty
First show in 2010 - And it is apparently cold in the house…
Show Highlights
- The cast wonders how to abbreviate 2010… 0-10 gets Ezra a butt-kickin…
- Yappy Fox tries out the red/blue lenses.
- Bandit plays with an RC “Mouse”
- Yappy Fox adds a black bar to the screen for ustream ads.
- KuddlePup offers calligraphy
- Somebody
Who? sent in a book of greeting cards nobody (except Poink) would send.
- Blitz's music collection brings him quite some ridicule
- Bandit breaks an RC “Mouse”
- Karaoke… and some funny skits to “trucker music” since Yappy Fox mentioned that he wants to be a trucker…
- Blitz does the “numa numa” song…
- Poink poots… several times!
- Hugh Manatee and Bitch Voop sing to “don't go breaking my heart”
- Brunhilda reads the roll call… with lots of “armburn” users
- Yappy Fox plays a lot of polka and yodeling music… including “Heidi” and “In München steht ein Hofbräuhaus”
- Different versions of “Norwegien Wood” and other famous songs are played
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Pawpets in L'eggs!
Videos shown
- Up! - audio mix…
- If religions were real
- News report about lighnting victim with a failed video clip.
- black video= - “Drivin my truck”
- Indian “sales guy” song
title @ 1:53:00
- Demonic groundhog… liveborderless.net ?
title @ 1:54:00
- French stop motion music video
title @ 1:55:00
- Happy new year (German guy with Skunk)
- Singing coffee beans
title @ 1:57:00
- “Time to eat” weird “children show” kind of music video.
title @ 1:58:00
- Japanese cat trying to reach TV remote - stop motion animation
title @2:00:15
- MST3k to Beethoven and BW couple fighting…
title @ 2:01:30
- Deer boxing animation
title @ 2:04:00
- Is it a good idea to microwave this: Elmo
- Japanese cat trying to catch a mouse
title @ 2:09:30
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Hugh “beep beep!”
episodes/episode_443.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by