Table of Contents
Episode: 453
Airdate: Mar 21, 2010 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Who's in Blitz's bedroom?
The show credits list “Jackrabbit” although he wasn't on this episode…
- Moxi Foxi (Subservient)
- Princess Fox
who? @ 2:29:00
Show Highlights
- The cast discusses misheard lyrics
- Uncle Kage furst pouts and later sulks as Ezra suggests that he should sing the Tro Lo Lo song at AC.
- Ezra hangs himself… and we have an Ezra-zombie - Tro Lo Lo
- The cast discuss the opening of a new Heart Attack Grill in Orlando.
- Yappy Fox responds to a call for “cute” by playing the “Barney” song. Everybody promptly hangs themselves.
- Moxi Foxi tries to dance the Macarena
- Yappy Fox plays the original video for the closing song agian
- Yappy Fox mentions the new video submission rules as well as that “Shout Outs” have now been replaced by “Paw Tweets”
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- None has been announced.
Videos shown
- Music Video: Pour some sugar on me / Def Leppard
- Eduard Khil (The Trololo Guy) - “Zima (Winter)”
- Documentary about Eduard “Trololo” Khil
- Music Video: Telephone / Lady Gaga
- Intro of “Zoobilee Zoo”
- “Yappy's Neighborhood” animated intro
- Billy lick a lolly…
- Music Video: Doop
- Trailer: Tron Legacy
- Enzyte commercial
- Chocolate Bunny Death promo - Atkelar
- Russian Video - failed playback
- Bog Off - animation
- Smorgas-Burger commercial (dog food)
- “Sing on the toilet”
- Fursuit Video (Waking up in Vegas)
- “I used to be a man”
- Cake… puppets… weird…
title @ 1:58:30
- RL - Goofy Movie intro http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OABeWNqZph4
- Codydawg - fursuit dance to japanese(?) song
- Bucks First - commercial
- Report on “Peter Graves”
- “Tooth” trailer
- Mascot head-butt
- Smokey - commercial…
- Back at the Barnyard - animation sketches
- Movie toy fail - Rafiki and joung Simba
- Making People laugh on Chatroulette - http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/74317a3e4c/making-folks-laugh-on-chatroulette-com
- Butt Drugs - http://youtube.com/watch?v=oYYdF0zcuSI
- The Sonic God - Leopard pacing back and forth
- Claymotion - “No no” song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzV6_GtX_GQ
- Zoink the Purple Puppet: “Yummy yummy yummy I got love in my tummy” with music fail…
- Offensive Shirttails (Robot Chicken).
- Mascot head-butt [ENCORE]
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Mutt jumps off stage after the credits run by, several chuckles are heard as the stream goes black.
episodes/episode_453.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by