Table of Contents
Episode: 456
Airdate: Apr 25, 2010 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]80's flashback...
- PrincessFox
- Lupo
- Coil
Show Highlights
- GOF hurt his knee fixing a ceiling fan this week. Handcuffs and ceiling fans don't mix.
- GOF gets introduced to newer music
- Mutt gets his childhood scrambled by learning that the lead singer of Yazoo is in fact a girl…
- The cast watches old furstuit performances
- Nair calls in and gives us the word of the week: Pusillanimous
- Close to two hours in the show went off the air for about 10 minutes.
- After an extraordinary long video break and equally long roll call ensues…zzzzzzz… Even the naked headless Barbie hits the bottle
- Mutt tries his “reverse-fart”
- Mutt can't eat anything that still “looks” like the animal.
- Remix of “Trolololo” with the cast dancing
- Kuddlepup cracks while reading the Quotes
- A close up of Mutt leads to a late “Nuzzle nuzzle nose nose EYE!” quote
Word of the week
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- no topic was announced
Videos shown
- Music Video:
title @ 19:00
- Music Video: I don't feel like dancing
- Music Video: Foxtrott, Uniform, Charlie, Kilo
- Music Video: Our House - Madness
- Music Video: The neverending story
- Music Video: I ran
- Music Video: Under Pressure - Queen & David Bowie
- Music Video: 19 - Paul Hardcastle
- Music Video: I.O.U. - Freeze
- Music Video: ??? - Yazoo
title @ 1:03:00
- Music Video: Somebody's watching me - Rockwell
- Music Video: I want to get away
title @ 1:14:00
- n-Fur performance at AC 2002
- Hong Kong Fooey performance by Kuddlepup
- Greifer - and the water-balloons
- Schnuffel “in concert”
- Snickers commercial with grumpy amusement park character
- B/W cartoon… ship disaster
title @ 2:15:30
- Panda “Zen” commercial
- Fursuit…? (Cut short)
title @ 2:17:30
- Furry Revenge - Trailer
- Greifer - Hot dog consumption
- Razzle Dazzle show intro
- Ding Dong Gum commercial
- Chicken commercial
- The “Lobster Claw”
- Coaster mislaunch
- MST3k - ???
title @ 2:25:40
- Storm Troopers
- Spider with sound effects
- 5secondfilms: Pregnate
- 5secondfilms: Late for work
- 5secondfilms: Worst memory
- 5secondfilms: History
- 5secondfilms: Robodog
- 5secondfilms: ???
- 5secondfilms: Ransom
- 5secondfilms: shark man
- 5secondfilms: The miracle of life
- 5secondfilms: The legend begins
- 5secondfilms: Rob and Bob
- 5secondfilms: Bankjob
- 5secondfilms: 30 cents to freedom
- 5secondfilms: Watch this!
- 5secondfilms: 1-900-???
- 5secondfilms: emo cowboys
- Respect the pouch
- Business card throwing
- The hamster wheel
- Cat and an iPad
- Lawnmower circling (Cut short)
- Music Video: Polar bear, Yeti, Penguin…
title @ 2:34:00
- Animal Talk
- Respect the pouch (Whoopie cushion)
- Dog spelling correction
- Dogs cooking show
- Anime - sex change (probably a weird anime version of “Rocky Horror”)
- Pontiac commercial
- Geritol commercial
- Dristan commercial
- Mounds commercial
- Oil company commercial (cut short)
- Jello commercial
- Cycle commercial
- Vaseline cream commercial
- Ford commercial
- Energizer commercial
- Instant coffee commercial
- Head and Shoulders commercial
- Plymouth Horizon commercial
- Skippy commercial
- Fritos commercial
- Johnson's commercial
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- The cast “sings” the closing credit song in about 2 seconds.
episodes/episode_456.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by