Table of Contents
Episode: 458
Airdate: May 09, 2010 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Mother's day episode
Wolf @ 14:00
- Russel - even though he lost his yellow color
- Many anonymous actors during the music segments
- Kuddlepup's Mom - a.k.a the “K-Mom”
Show Highlights
- Kuddlepup's mom is in the studio - and she cooks!
- About 16 minutes into the show, the live stream dies…
- BanditCam!
- Kuddlepup's mom gets interviewed and presented her last mothers day present
- Yappy Fox pushes the screen half way in and creates the “pet show funday paw” with Ezmutt
- TV “bugs” and animations are discussed…
- Some more fun with the video mixer, right after Arthur does roll call
- “Ferrets on ice” - in the background of a musical performance by an unidentified Voop
- LeCar commercial prompts a discussion about several bad car models and driving on the Autobahn in Germany
- “Love boat” theme song done by the pawpets
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- None was announced
Videos shown
- Music video (partial) ???
- Stupid Funny Signs
- Xanadu in SL
- FC 2010 - BBF
- POP - Chicken vs. Fox animation
- “volevo un gatto nero” - italian children song animation
- Dog grwoling…
- “il coccodrillo come fa?” - italian children song animation
- Rat Rod Tow Truck
- Precious Roy Home Shopping Network: Pirate Criplers
- Vin
title? @ 1:31:30
- Pie + Birthday
- BMX treadmill fail
- Dwarf Self promotion win
- Damian Parker 10 - Parkour video
- Zebra shooting
- Some guy freaking out over “Clip Pit” saying “Hey, it looks like you're writing a letter!” - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoBwVZrA9vw
- Fozzy and Kermit go fishing (cleaner water PSA)
- “Pixels” without the music…
- Cupcake Cannon
- Tesla Coils make music - 2001
- Carnivores + guns
- Fursuit + Music
- Guitar+armonica+hoop
- Wolf music
- Trampoline Dog
- Lejo vs. Kipsky (cut short)
- Teddy bear “game”
- Wolf and sheep animation (cut short, repeat)
- “Devil” playing pranks
- Puss in Boots RL Version
- centrifugal force + a bike
- “Jet-pack”
- Roger Rabbit “in 60 seconds”
- Star Wars - different text for Vader
- Funny drunk videos
- New Yorker Cartoon Quickies
- Family Guy - african american heart monitor
- Lejo vs. Kipsky - again, complete this time
- Dog grwoling (again)
- Dwarf Self promotion win (again)
- Music video: Love is a battlefield (cut short)
- Music video:
title @ 2:53:40 (cut short)
- LeCar commercial
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- everybody screaming + pigs flying
episodes/episode_458.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by