Table of Contents
Episode: 459
Airdate: May 16, 2010 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Simba is broken
- two Saint Bernards
- Oobie (introduction)
- Zeke's mom (a.k.a. “Z-Mom”)
- Brian Raynolds
- Twitch (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- Mutt tries to pronounce the brand of coffee he just had… resulting in lots of strange noises.
- The cast discusses whether it is appropriate for six year olds to do a risky video…
- Tinkerbell as a role model?
- Movie Talk: How to train your dragon.
- Yappy Fox discusses his experiences playing “Portal”
- “Beer in a box”
- Re-enactment of a person raising two cats, resulting in Simba breaking his finger…
- …resulting in “broken hand” becoming the newest character on the show: Oobie
- Kuddlepup reads several “Ask Debby”(sp?) articles
- GOF gets dentures!
- KuddlePup reads some “Dear Pawpets” letters, answered by Rocky Raccoon
- Call in from Vin in response to the “Higher Than the Stars” video
- JackRabbit has to leave early - about 2 and a half hours into the show.
- Twitch gets decorated like a pawpet Christmas tree as he reads the roll-call
- Brian Raynolds gets interviewed
- KuddlePup gets some ice dumped into his pants… again!
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- None was announced…
Videos shown
- Report about “risky video” with seven year old dancers to “Single Ladies”
- “risky video” with Benny Hill!
- Beatbox Dog Sings Trololo - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NPdVpx5CgE
- Back Seat P-P-Platypus - Driving Steve Axtell Crazy - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dVfaOU99XI
- “Copying is not theft” - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IeTybKL1pM4
- “The Game”
- JibJab - The empire strikes back (featuring pawpet cast and staff)
- “A Boy and His Frog”
- JibJab - “Unnecessary Force” trailer
- JibJab - The empire strikes back (repeat/cut short)
- “What is all this?” - http://vimeo.com/11611464
- Uke kid?
- Gorillas on wind turbines (animation)
- “The Pains of Being Pure at Heart” - “Higher Than the Stars” Official Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTDQZfFCrQk or http://spin.com/articles/exclusive-new-pains-being-pure-heart-video
- Car commercial with “cat masks”
- Video + train + very close call
- optical illusion with ramps and balls
- Bike jump fail
- putting out a fire with blood… commercial for blood pressure tea
- Rock-afire Explosion - routine
- Muppets: “The Vikings”
- Pidgeon in the subway
- Muppets: A Little Help From My Friends - http://youtube.com/watch?v=JjfdfU-uaPQ
Nut shot of the week
- Parkour + Park bench…
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Ezra “No Ice!”
episodes/episode_459.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by