Table of Contents
Episode: 464
Airdate: Jun 20, 2010 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Funday Pawpet (Slide)Show
The show starts with the theme song and a vuvuzela noise all over… which promptly broke the stream, not even a minute into the show.
Outage counter: about 1, 18, 25, 144, 194 minutes into the stream…1) After the third outage, the RTSP stream (QT/VLC) is dropped.
The credits show the visitors of last week… Oops.
Cast and Staff
- Scorch (Introducing)
- (Gay)Ferret
- Blitz (arrived late due to mother's day)
- Eagle Beagle (Special Appearance by)
- Rummage (Subservient)
- Flipside (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- Dragon bites Ezra - chinese dragon eats doggies!
- Ezra announces the “Funday Pirate Show” as Eagle Beagle suggests stealing cable form the neighbors to circumvent the modem problems…
- An interesting new game makes the rounds: “are we still on? no! Oh, wait… we are!”
- Ezra suggests a “naked show” and Rummage shows that he is indeed naked beneath his bandana
- Hugh Manatee plays “Lola” as Ezra performs “Copacabana”
- Rummage dances to “I will survive”
- The questions “Who would you like to meet” and “What day would you go back to” are discussed.
- Rocky Raccoon performs “The Love Boat” theme song.
- Bitch Voop performs “99 Luftballons”.
- During subservience, Rummage carries out the keyboard to perform to “Apache”… and later steals Eagle Beagle's pants
- Movie Talk: Toy Story 3
- Ezra tells us about his teacup collection
- Scorch reads roll call…
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- none was announced but “naked time” and “stream trouble” were naturals.
Videos shown
- America's Got Talent - Prince Poppycock - O.o
- Grease - “Greased Lightning”
- The Smurf's Movie Trailer
- Cat Experiments - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFOk95Q5Yc0
- Fox and McDonalds animation…
- Fraggle Rock video
Owl video@ 2:27:40
- Mongrels - “Cat Casration”
- Infomercial Parody - “Hand Job”
- Infomercial Parody - “Shii - The Wii for women”
- Ask a lobster…? from 5secondfilms
- Nutshot: football/soccer
- Queen - “I want to break free” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYYL1vybRU4
- Radio Gaga
- Mongrels - TV promo
- “Super Gran” intro/credits
- Mongrels - “Lesbian Birds” (cut short, repeat)
- Weasel Massage
- Mongrels - TV promo (cut short, repeat)
- “Be Loyal” song with animated video…
- “Cute Cat” done with fursuit
- Golden Girls sped up
- Couple met at Walt Disney World as children
- Olivia Newton-John music video - “Hopelessly Devoted to You”
- ShakeWeight commercial / training video
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Ezra “You're getting shorts!” (talking to Blitz refering to bedazzled shorts)
easily recongnizable by the “nooooo”'s in the IRC logs.
episodes/episode_464.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by