Table of Contents
Episode: 465
Airdate: Jul 11, 2010 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]ustream, ushow, ubanned!
First show after a two week hiatus (AC and 4th of July).
Stream goes out at 13, 27 and 1:49 minutes in. UStream fails about two hours in, stating “banned becuase of copyright infringement”.
- WildWolf
- Prehistoric Pounce (Subservient)
- Dr. Pounce (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- Blitz kissed a Girl at AC… and he liked it!
- Dirty secrets revealed: Yappy Fox mopped the kitchen floor with a bunny once…
- “Name that carpet” is born during a video clip from AC
- The cast is “fighting” over who should cooks… or rather who will not cook the dinner.
- Movie talk: The last airbender… several others
- FPS gets cancelled on UStream.tv for copyright infringement.
- AC-Talk…
- Poink tells his story about the “Mach 1”
- Bandit keeps missing his cue to run during the second subservience
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Poink suggests: “Pop a nut”
Videos shown
- Music Video: Techno Chicken
- Music Video: Schnuffel “Piep piep”
- “Orangina” commercial with cougar
- “Orangina” commercial with giraffe
- “Orangina” commercial with hyena
- “Orangina” commercial with panther
- “Orangina” commercial with cougar shaving
- “Orangina” commercial with pony
- Clementine (Fennec fursuit, dancing)
- The lion sleeps tonight - animation
- Wheaties commercial (B/W puppets)
- Will it blend? Vuvuzela!
- Ovalteenies commercial
- Slip Slop Slap - skin cancer
- Double Rainbow - Autotune version
- Turtle… brush… techno… WTF?
- Rolf Harris and Basil Brush singing…
- Beer commercial
- Skunk “candid camera” stunt
- Beatboxing
title @ 1:20:30
- College Humor: Internet-Troll
- Staticity Cat vs. Balloon
- Spongebob - rectal thermometer
- Dogs baking bread
- Mongrels backstage
- Fake lake
- “I have a sign” protester
- Messin' with Sasquatch… commercial.
- Red nose day - commercial
- 300 - PG version
- Bucktown Tiger: Batting practice
- “Lassy” as a cat… didn't work
- Staring contest… with ANIMAL!
- Mario stop-motion animation
- Mario vs. Backman
- Toyz Noiz - Toystory mash up
- Suzie and the internet
- Shrub Rover
- ?? @ 1:53:00
- Cat with a prostetic
- Cat, dog + deer
- ???
@ 1:57:00 (cut short)
- Brave little toaster (cut short)
- Spitting Image (cut short)
- Steven King movie excerpt @ 1:58:00 (cut short)
- Piano @ 1:58:30 (cut short)
- Song
title @1:59:00
- The Housepets webcomic animation/song
- I kissed a nerd (cut short)
- Double Rainbow - regular
- AC video with KuddlePup reporting
- Kitty TP commercial
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Mutt “Goodnight!” (Ezra started to say something but only “ba…” was audible before the stream cut off)
episodes/episode_465.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by