Table of Contents
Episode: 488
Airdate: Jan 02, 2011 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]They killed Kuddlepup!
- Finn (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- YinYang announces that he's up to buy a house.
- Blitz is hiding in his room.
- Poink tells about his idea about a show called “Cop for a day”.
- Poink ran away with a tray of tooth pick'd samples…
- BitBear and two blond ferrets perform “Manah Manah”
- Yappy Fox having fun with Omadaun's singing video and playback speeds.
- Omadaun calls in and does the roll call
- Howler calls in and the cast does a bumper for his radio program
- Blaze is making progress with his “potty training”
- Omadaun agrees to be shaven when he's visiting in Episode 490
- Kuddlepup has several laughing fits backstage
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Pawpets as Cops
Videos shown
- HiPs - “Huskies in Play” (Sniffer's and Zeke's bike ride)
- top 10 fails: Wheelchair + Elevator, Tattoo reaction, Rockband fail, Elephant fail, Stolen car, Urinal or hand basin?, Pole dance fail, barfing in roller coaster, Cell phone in class, Watermelon launch
- “Doop”
real title “fastfood song”
- The Wiggles “Fruit Salad”
- Hugh Jackman getting hit with cricket ball (http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/video/hugh-jackman-hit-in-groin-during-cricket-match-12487215)
- Kitty fart
- The Pooter Tooter commercial
- Bear puppet performance
- Duncan Hines commercial - singing cupcakes
- Bear puppet christmas present - gong'd
- “Robert Fagot”…
- Cat knitting
- ?? - gong'd
- Omadaun singing
- Guitar - solo performance - gong'd
- The Mask vs. Bugs Bunny animation
- Pall Mall - cigaret commercial
- Adventures of “Pumpy”
- Smoky Bear show intro
- B/W video to Daft Punk - then Tihuana Taxi
- Will it Apache - (several dance videos with the Apache music)
- Tron Guy being banned of his local theatre
- Narwals flash animation
Nut shot of the week
- black powder revolver + nerf dart
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Ezra “You are special!”
- Mutt “Chomp!”
episodes/episode_488.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by