Table of Contents
Episode: 492
Airdate: Jan 30, 2011 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Chatroulette
- TheSonicGod
- SkippyFox
- Dingoroo
- Xavakin (Subservient)
- Vin (Subservient)
- Shisazen Mukanu (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- The show starts with experiments in Chat Roulette
- Fred Bedderhead does a video call in
- MST3k to “The Bugaloos”
- Ezra tells us about his heart procedure
- Fastfood fornication…
- Name that toon
- Vin squeaks the roll call
- Shizasen's name causes much discussion
- Stream problems arise… all three streams (ustream/justin/rtsp) are severly out of sync - by about 10 minutes in cases - which causes some confusion in the chat
missing minutes about 3 hours and 10 minutes in… Stream restart broke RTSP stream and Atkelar couldn't see anything.
- Dingoroo gets interviewed
- TheSonicGod gets interviewed
- Vin gets interviewed - and squeaks the Timewarp, Trololo, Numa numa and the closing song
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Neither was announced…
Videos shown
- The Bugaloos - excerpt
- A fox in times square (Vin)
- Megaplex trailer
- Bucktown Tiger - performance at MFF 2010
- Fursuits performing Caramelldansen
- DOGS - flash animation
- Owl City spoof
- Mini Vin talking about his trip around Europe
- Hamster attacking
- Backstage at MFF (Vin and Bucktown)
- “Wallaby World” music video
Nut shot of the week
- Bowling ball
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Vin “SQUEAK!”
TheSonicGod's fox puppet
episodes/episode_492.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by