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Episode: 494

Airdate: Feb 13, 2011  [Download] [Artjams and other files ]

Funday Bandit Bandit Show

It is Bandit's birthday as well as valentines day (well, tomorrow).




Show Highlights

  • Mutt tries to sing the national anthem
  • Todd introduces “spelling for Mutt”. How do we spell dumb? M-U-T-T!
  • Blitz calls in
  • Mutt talks about the trip to the casino… with Eagle Beagle blooping while he lost.
  • Liesl calls in and sings the birthday song for Bandit.
  • Vin calls in… or is it “squeaks in”?
  • Poink reads stupid laws
  • Kuddlepup announces that the show's cast is going to be invited to an Australian con - budget pending.
  • Talis_Prinny sent in lots of valentines cards.
  • Scorch sent in 10.000 Dinar…
  • Spelling with Mutt and Todd.
  • Movie talk: Bacon tells the story of lots of movies in ten words or less.
  • Yuchi gets interviewed
  • BucktownTiger calls in
  • “Ozzy Osbourne” calls in

Videos shown

  • Tac, dancing
  • Orangina car wash ad
  • Meerkat “compare the market” ad
  • Omadaun
  • Roller coaster set
  • BucktownTiger: Chicken and fries
  • Fox in snow FIXME title?
  • Pawpet Music Video: Laws of thermodynamics - Landrav FIXME title?

"Last Words" (and Actions)

  • Ezra “Mutt gets an F!” as Mutt pops up in front of the camera with the letter “F” on his forehead.
Brief appearance
episodes/episode_494.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by

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