Table of Contents
Episode: 523
Airdate: Oct 23, 2011 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Weird Stories
- Ozzie (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- Blitz and JackRabbit are out for the night
- “Barbara Streisand” is played… with several different names
- We learn that YappyFox has fallen victim to the iCloud with some em-bare-assing pictures.
- Fred_Bedderhead moment…
- YappyFox pulls up a page about “nerd cons in Florida”, mendioning both MegaPlex and Furloween ( http://www.orlandosentinel.com/travel/orl-nerd-events-calendar-093011,0,658937.story?page=1 )
- Mutt's twitter account got hacked…
- The cast discusses the upcoming telethon to be on November 13
- YinYang has a sheepdog fursuit!
- Round robin story time! Breaking Dookie twice!
- Mutt rants about the “Duelling Dragons” coaster getting “modified”
- Jigsaw calls in…
Videos shown
- Ham'o'ween (Angry Birds cartoon)
- MLP parody - applejack the apple addict
real title?
- Animatronic dragon puppet
- William Shatner sings… well sort of sings “Bohemian Rhapsody” (sped up and gong'd)
- Animated Ford commercial
- Furcon video?
- Mr. Jaws
- Pikachu farting lessons
- Dragon Theatre - the reluctant dragon
- Ken-L Ration Smorgesburgers… swedish chef like dogfood commercial
- The Muppet Movie trailer
- “Tug Toner” commercial parody
- Raptor costume walk
- Ceiling fan hit video
Pawpet got talent
- McDonalds slide ride -
- Horsing around - Roofus
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Todd “I'm hiding under the covers!”
- Mutt “Let the games begin!”
- LOGO: “On oct 30th… oh yes, there will be polyfill! Funday SAWPet show”
episodes/episode_523.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by