Table of Contents
Episode: 525
Airdate: Nov 06, 2011 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]TBD
Show Highlights
- The pawpets are still stuck on stage as the “Pawpet Centipede” from Episode 524
- What killed Saturday Morning cartoons?
- Mutt plays “Man or Woman”?
- TinyChat - including sped up music.
- Yappy Fox explains why we need another fundraiser and why he set the bar for this year at 7000 USD
- TinyChat: TimeWarp!
- Blitz dances with a naked headless Barbie
- Name that toon (Halloween edition)
Videos shown
- “Hellraiser” show bumper
- MLP meets Buck Rogers
- College Humor: Mustard
- Biker face sign fail
- Kid going crazy over Pokemon
- Whale fail - splatter zone
- Rose Hexwit: Halloween
- Sneezing bear cub
- NomNomNom (GONG'd)
- Con Video OklaCon
- “Baby” on biker
- Dragon animation
- Strippers vs. Werewolfes
- “The internet is made of cats”
- Flea Market Montgomery - Long Version
Pawpets got talent
- Pawpet closing song played on a floppy drive… and a surprise Rick Roll
- “Bounty Takedown” - Mystical James
- The darkest hour 2011 - Mystical James
- Acid Flashback: Aussie Mash
- This is me - Roofus
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- ????
episodes/episode_525.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by