Table of Contents
Episode: 544
Airdate: Apr 08, 2012 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Easter 2012
- Tenderpaws (Subservient)
- Twinkie
Show Highlights
- Cerberus' FPS animation is aired before the real intro again.
- Ezra tells us about Wolf Max's lost his mom and everything he owned in a fire - http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/3342727/
- The cast is wearing bunny ears…
- Yappy Fox shows pictures of poor children with weird easter bunny costumes
- Fart alert! The stage is cleared but nobody takes credit.
- Forest is dressed up as a flower
- As the lights go out for a bit, a chocolate bunny is knifed to the stage…
- Mutt gets bunny teeth to match the bunny ears!
- KuddlePup got a duct-tape dummy made for the fursuit contest he won… (See Episode 527) including an “Apple” cutie mark
- The cast discusses
@ 1:40:00 event? at Disney and what they experienced there….
- “Julie Bunny must die!” - the furry themed musical is on Kickstarter seeking support for a Megaplex performance.
- Thomas Kinkade's picture prices are discussed
- Yappy Fox plugs Elliott's Live Events
- Mutt mentions that the Florida highway system includes Rube Goldberg Roads
- Blitz and Tenderpaws dance to the “Star Wars” video
- There's another website using Yappy Fox's avatar as a logo… http://www.mrfoxhole.com/
- Ezra tells the story about his visit to the dentist on Friday
- After the stream ends, a drawing of Yappy saying “These chocolate skittles are amazing” with Cerberus snickering in the background is shown
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- None was announced, but the easter theme was picked up naturally.
Videos shown
- 360° swing… and gone!
- Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by Fleshlight… or was it? - Poink
- Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by firecracker & Road flare - Shadow D. Wölf
- Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by airsoft rifle -
- Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by WiFi - Fred Bedderhead
- Chocolate Bunny Death - Classic: Death by automatic weapon - 2 Gryphon
- Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by eating -
who? …pup?
- Peep Death: Death by fox! - Fox-Albi-Azul
- Chuckles the red fox
- Chuckles the red fox tribute! - Chickles feels like dancin!
- Chuckles the red fox :)
- Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by fireworks and glue - BlackFoot
- Peep Death: Death by swirly fireworks - PsychoCatBoy
- Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by lighter fluid? and matches - PsychoCatBoy
- Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by katana - PsychoCatBoy
- Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by arrow - PsychoCatBoy
- Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by big bunny - Atkelar
- Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by coffee - Atkelar
- Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by 40W laser - KalaallitAmaroq
title ? @ 1:55:00 - do-pawpets.ca
- The easter bunny hates you - as seen on Episode 287
- Pawpet Music Video:
title @ 2:02:00 New York Pawpet Show
- Zipline Coaster promo
- Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by wooden claw… or not - Three_Zero
- Star Wars show animation…
source? @ 2:52:00
- “Double Dream Hands” video - cut short
"Last Words" (and Actions)
too much at once…
episodes/episode_544.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by