Table of Contents
Episode: 550
Airdate: May 27, 2012 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Of days past
- Shep
Show Highlights
- Ace Frehley show bumper!
- Ezra talks about the “Toxic Audio” → “Vox Audio” transformation that happened at the festival
- Mutt tells about his visit to
name? horror con (pictures included)
- Ezra has weird thoughts about “Scotty” and Roddenberry being re-united in space…
- Bunny in the yard!
- Hugh Manatee nibbles on some of KuddlePup's Disney cards
- Yappy Fox plays around with the google moog simulation
- Parade pictures are shown, featuring characters of “Hop”, “Dispicable Me” and “Spongebob”
- A google search for “Puss in Boots” turns up way too wrong stuff
- Random tweets
- Fail with linux commands and text messages
- Shep plays “Are you smarter than KP?”
- Strongbad: “Videographer”, “Techno”, “bored”
- Brunhilda got his tongue stuck in his collar…
- …just like he got his jacket stuck in his mouth.
- Shep gets interviewed - part #2
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- None was announced
Videos shown
- Ace Frehley show bumper
- Star Wars musical number
- Trololo 2012 remake
- Truck missing a tire
- B/W animated 7up commercial
- Eurovision…
song title
- Two cats and a car
- I Be-Weave “commercial”
- Pixar studio stories - the movie vanishes (full)
- Commercial featuring Ace Frehley
product? @ 2:49:00
- Annoying Orange meets Durian
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Hugh “I bent a flipper!”
- YinYang and Ezra “Bye!”
episodes/episode_550.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by