Table of Contents
Episode: 576
Airdate: Jan 20, 2013 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]TBD
- Fox-Albi-Azul (Subservient)
- Aurius
Show Highlights
- Brunhilda hurt himself carrying a xylophone… in a certain place
- Yappy Fox asks wether anybody in the audience has ever experienced Studio 54…
- The Studio 54 discussion leads to Brunhilda singing “I will survive” and an exploding gaydar…
- Poink learns a new word… “Fupa”
- Chuckles visits SecondLife… which isn't very “live” at first…
- Ezra mentions that the fursuit of Pandaguy went missing: http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/4251734/
- Poink tells us of his 911 call
- Mutt invents the “e-sketchbook”
- KuddlePup presents his animation cel collection
- Fox-Albi-Azul plays “Are you smarter than KP?”
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Mutt asks people to just draw pictures of cheese… and they did.
Videos shown
- Dog showing puppy how to walk down stairs
- The Ghost Busters - intro
: title - Super kitties
- 911 call: Lab dog dressed up as a lion
- Pawpet Music Video: Michael - It's raining
- Mr. Six commercial
- Mr. Six dance off
- Mr. Six commercial with Gungam Style, Apache, Tijuana Taxi
- The robotic Stooges - intro/excerpt
- Strongbad e-mail: Specially Marked
- Sylvester dancing to ORK ORK! (cut short, wrong video)
- Sylvester dancing
- The Burger King walking into a McDonalds
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Ezra “I love you fo…” (cut off)
episodes/episode_576.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by