Table of Contents
Episode: 587
Airdate: May 12, 2013 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Oh Pulcino Pio Mio!
- TheSonicGod
- Shazasen (
sp?) nicknamed “shoesizenine” (Subservient)
- RomeoRabbit
Show Highlights
- Mutt announces the 1 hour is 1 minute show!
- TheSonicGod runs through his show for a minute…
- …followed by RomeoRabbit for another minute
- Will Pulcino Pio Apache? …Tihuana Taxi? …Trololo?
- Blitz dances to Pulcino Pio
- Herbie takes off the clothes from headless Uncle Kage
- Poink presents: weird news of the week
- Movie Talk: 80's and 90's movies
- Are you smarter than KP?
Videos shown
- Several language versions (French, English, German, Dutch) of the Pulcino Pio song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mx8s6ZACZFU
- Psy “Gentleman”
full song title
- Top 10 reasons why time travel is bad!
- Bridge
- MLP?
- Larva
- omelette
- ormie
- Pug life
- Sizzlean commercial
- Calgon commercial
- Where's the beef!?
- BigMac commercial
- Burger King commercial
- Hai Karate after shafe commercial
- Bathroom cleaner
- Alka Seltzer commercial (Meatball)
- Instant Coffee commercial
- Winkles panty hose commercial
- Camay soap commercial
- Minute Maid commercial
- Teaberry gum commercial
- Great american soups commercial
- Bounty towels commercial
- Old commercial mix
- Strongbad e-mail: Go Dumples
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- (During the fast-forward-show) Erza “I forgot to blink!”
- Ezra “Can you hear me?”
- Mutt “MEATBOOT!”
episodes/episode_587.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by