Table of Contents
Episode: 652
Airdate: Jan 04, 2015 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Pawpet Broadcasting Network - IV
- Meekrat
Show Highlights
- Segment 1: The Trans European Happy for Living Sunday Show
- Segment 2: As Seen on TV: The iBlink! - includes theater mode and sleep mode!
- Segment 3: Blitz Printz - find clues and guess the riddle
- Segment 4: We are sorry Momlando - The cast apologizes to Orlandofox's mom for corrupting her.
- Segment 5: Pawpet Broadcasting News Network - Todd tells us some news.
- Segment 6: Ster Wers - Riverdancing Stormtroopers
- Segment 7: The Good Word - Poink brings down the hand of God
- The cast discusses parody singers (Weird Al among others) and arrives at his rivalry with The-Artist-Formerly-Known (as Prince)
- Movie talk: Upcoming movies 2015 - sequals galore!
- What toy would you have loved as a kid, that was never made?
Videos shown
- 80s TV series say “Happy New Year”
- Get a free Ronald McDonald with every meal
- Gandhi II trailer
- The new WTF blanket
- Cooking with Patch O'Black
- Spatula City!
- Old FPS intro
- Music Video: Mississippi Squirrel Revival
- Music Video: “The Streak” -
- ??? @ 1:22
- Animal videos with rap songs
- Marsha and the bear (Enlgish dub): Tea time (
real title)
- Houston furmeet
- Epic Rap Battles of History: Ghostbusters vs. Mythbusters
- Airline (
which?) commercial with chicken costumes
- Rubik's cube (and similar puzzles) videos
- Epic Rap Battles of History: The turtles…
- Music Video:
title @2:58
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Mutt “Sorry ma…”
episodes/episode_652.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by