Table of Contents
Episode: 654
Airdate: Jan 18, 2015 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Rasvar II - return of the flatulent
- Rasvar
Show Highlights
- Rasvar and JackRabbit tell about their forgetful waitress
- Fart alert: Rasvar clears the stage, not even 15 minutes in!
- Poink manages to end up at Epcot again!
- Yappy Fox google searches “Pool Boy”
- What was the last text you received/sent?
- Rasvar gets interviewed
- Rasvar plays a round of “Are you smarter than K.P.”
- Yappy Fox misplaces the audience credits
Videos shown
- Ron-Ron montage
- Fish stealing seal(?)
- Terry, The Bi Bipolar Polar Bear - Birthday
- Terry, The Bi Bipolar Polar Bear - Happy Birthday (on facebook!)
- Terry, The Bi Bipolar Polar Bear - Bipolar spokesbear
- Two cats purring
- Cow dancing in supermarket
- You shall not pass, dog!
- Elvis
- Alien d*** video by Mutt
- Lazy Hamster
- “got talent” show, the “Diva Song”
- Little girl vs. man in close combat sport
- Dog vs. cat in doggy bed
- Tacocat - Perry Gripp
- Soupy Sales
- Animation: shadow figures
- Music Video: Bruno Mars -
: title @ 1:36
- Music Video:
- Music Video: Bruno Mars - Amazing
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Poink “This show is lip-sync'd!”
episodes/episode_654.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/02 06:00 by Jake