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Table of Contents
From B Movies to B Milk
- Recherei
Show Highlights
- Yappy Fox has seen several B-movies during the weekend.
- Recherei brings in a Turkey for dinner
- Todd Ferret explains some stock market details
- JackRabbit farts and clears the stage
- Recherei plays “Are you smarter than KP?”
- Kuddlepup shows off a new shirt
- Mutt brings up the idea of “Lady Milk”…
Videos shown
- Octoberfeast 2015 dance routine (re-run from episode 687)
- Animated music video: Knock knock song…
real title
- Using Siri to get married
- STYX - Caught in the Act - Kilroy Was Here
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Hugh “Mooo!”
- Ezra “SICKO!”1)
Directed at Mutt
episodes/episode_688.1447034956.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/11/08 18:09 by Donovan Wesner