Table of Contents
Episode: 748
Airdate: Jun 11, 2017 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Remembering Bandit
- Campion
- RomeoRabbit
Show Highlights
- The cast remembers Bandit, who passed away shortly before the last weekend.
- Yappy Fox asks “would you….if?” questions
- Crappy Doo tells about his possums in the closet at home.
- Mutt brings up a “Ham Radio” on stage.
- Campion and Romeo play “Are you smarter than KP?”
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Art Jam: Bandit
Videos shown
- Romeo's Bandit tribute video
- Herbie's tribute video
- Giraffe sucking on a stick
- Dirty Giraffe
- Ayds Candy Commercial
- Singing Street
- Twirl a Squirrel champ
- Twirl a Squirrelß
- Slippery pole birdseeder
- Zapper bird seeders
- Cable tie mouse trap
- Scorch: Update from the lab
: Pony…something…pony @2:20
- Batman/Adam West
- Ventriloquist bunny at America's got talent
Animated alien movie with Dinosaurs? @ 2:28
- Music video: Watch me Whip
- Bugs Bunny (and Daffy Duck, Lola Bunny…) doing Watch me Whip
- Off model Disney characters doing Watch me Whip
- Sexy and I know it - with babies
- The Gummy Bear song
- FPS: 3D Logo intro - Rikki Tik
- Smurfs… and bombs?
- Walk Smash Talk
- Thomas Timberwolf: Tree for Two
- Fish eating fish about the same size
- Fuzzy Logic escape room promo
"Last Words" (and Actions)
episodes/episode_748.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by