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Episode: 761

Airdate: Dec 16, 2018  [Download] [Artjams and other files ]

Christmas 2018/The little stream that almost could...

The show aired with quite some streaming problems, making it almost impossible to keep track of conversations. Many viewers opted for the download.



Show Highlights

  • Mutt gets decorated with Christmas lights
  • White elephant gift exchange: Yappy Fox Cocoa Mug, Simba Disk Gun, Kuddlepup Pizza, Herbie steals Pizza, Kuddlepup FIXME?, SK-1 Bill the Cat, JackRabbit Bottle of Sangria, FIXME who? steals mug, Yappy Fox steals Bill the Cat, SK-1 Moana figure set.
  • The art jams are back
  • Yappy Fox got a mention on “Grumpy Old Geeks”
  • The “Fox In Socks” routine is brought up and Poink claims he can read it without any problem…
  • The cast sings their own version of the 12 Pains of Christmas

Videos shown

  • FIXME who? - vintage car ride
  • Atkelar - Restoration Project #4 - AGFA Camera
  • Fox in Socks routine with Yappy Fox and Herbie Bearclaw
  • Mutt between the lions bumper
  • Various PBN bumpers

"Last Words" (and Actions)

episodes/episode_761.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by

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