Table of Contents
Episode: 958
Airdate: May 26, 2024 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Halfway to Thanksgiving '24
- bungeeskunk 3)
- Frapp 4)
- John R Hall 5)
- CooperFomation 6)
- Fred_Bedderhead 7)
- Vance_PackwoodYT 8)
- Shortcake21 9)
- CCritt93 10)
- Sitherus 11)
- henrizimenoff 12)
- Silfur 13)
- LionHeartsUwU69 14)
- corthewolf 15)
- ArtfxCarlillith 16)
- Redclayrob 17)
- AquaFox Zorro 18)
- Lyrac 19)
- Hagrid145 20)
- Silfur 21)
- CuddleTheFoxcat 22)
- Furdemon 23)
- ScuffedPan 24)
- Reo Grayfox 25)
- DrZomboland 26)
- PhysicsDude_ECO 27)
- Vyse Foxx 28)
- Sotalo 29)
- Arcticflare 30)
- wildfireco224 31)
- Naddar 32)
- Ajax_Wolfaroo 33)
- Pikanick626 34)
- SisuLastDragon 35)
- tylerthefennic 36)
- Shard Sparks 37)
- Lue-Duck 38)
- adorabledalmation 39)
- DCKingFox 40)
- MephistophEli 41)
- Woffle Nibbler 42)
- Taeryth 43)
- Azzy_Goat 44)
- Sibir Lupus 45)
- Honey Beeyote 46)
- Sobatin 47)
- Clandestino 48)
- Firr 49)
- TheDarkUnbroken 50)
- Glockberg 51)
- ToxicTheProto 52)
- Carpeteyes 53)
- Grapesodagaming 54)
- CutieDaWired 55)
- Grisdon 56)
- Rhinowolf 57)
- MikeDAWolf 58)
- Cyanwich 59)
- Star_Borealis 60)
- mike_check 61)
- coily 62)
- Wolfcatwildcat 63)
- Zalno 64)
- KoloredKaboose 65)
- TyphusMoth 66)
- Boots! 67)
- StarluxJeskopaw 68)
- Maxthekitsune 69)
- Sushii87 70)
- Z o r 71)
- J-Pup 72)
- Darziboye 73)
Show Highlights
- It's memorial day weekend
- and halfway to Thanksgiving - so tonight is a two for one
- An apology to Matt Wolfwood - shortcake DID swear last week - and a card is scratched
- Mutt tries to install an app and technical hiccups happens
- Stargazer is now known as 2-Ply due to his abilities as an AI rap producer
- Mutt had a $70 lunch, and decided that he needed extras at that price
- What's the most expensive food you've had?
- Chat with new guests in the Chaos Lounge
- ICQ is shutting down
- Talk about AI/chatbots
- Mutt will Screencrap it to prove it
- “Trick & Treat” with the Chaos Lounge
- Extra quiz(!) guess where one of the contestants, DrZomboland, is from74)
- Mutt didn't read the show outline he himself asked for
- There's lots of pictures from current cons in the Discord
- Atkelar has attended “Comix”-con and has pictures to show
- (some) old toys are expensive
- “Where do you stand? - Sobatin” with the Chaos Lounge
- “Where do you stand? - Ajax_Wolfaroo” with the Chaos Lounge
- Documentarist Morgan Spurlock from “Super Size Me” died at age 53 of cancer
- KP calls in from Savannah, GA, where he is on a vacation with Fooma
- Update on Firr's job situation
- Update on Toxxies job situation - he got to be a wizard yesterday
- “Hot Lava” with the Chaos Lounge
- The cast reads some jokes written in the Chaos Lounge
- AI art-jam “stuffing the turkey”
- a look in the art-jam Discord
- “Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge
- “Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge - round 2
- Consider this - Live
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Stuffing the turkey
Videos Shown
- Mutt - opening of old K-ration 75)
- Dipper - AI music video “the fursuiter elevator song” 76)
- Dipper - AI music video “halfway to thanksgiving” 77)
- Mutt - AI music video “Thanksgiving dinner song” 78)
- Atkelar - Wrong video uploaded 79)
- Atkelar - HP 3476B Portable meter - Workshop Project #32 80)
- Rocket T. Coyote - Learnin' to spell with Darnell 81)
- Rocket T. Coyote - Rocket's junk 82)
- Rocket T. Coyote - Goddard L-13 replica 83)
“Last Words” (and Actions)
- Atkelar - “What the [bleep]?”
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answer is: Ukraine
02:17:32 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Uhor8Ck9w0
episodes/episode_958.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/28 08:24 by Jake