JR is going for an interview for a new job tomorrow
Tonights guest is Lostwolf
Alternative uses for a burrito
Lostwolf shows of a VRChat world
Lostwolf gets interviewed
Poink shows the “Hasbro Plasma Spengler Neutroni”
Toxxies payments to the swear-jar has been exchanged to bonks on the head with a $1 bat
The audience can pay on twitch for Toxxie to be Bonked -
I two weeks there will be no show as Yappy isn't home
Lostwolf does “Never Have I Ever - dating edition” with the Chaos Lounge
Pokémon-GO news with KP
Movietalk - “Bad Guys”
Coaster news with Mutt
The audience has paid for a lot of Bonks on Toxxies head
Poink shows a trailer for a game called “Beyond the edge of Owlsgard”
“Three truths and a lie - Shortcake” with the Chaos Lounge
Check in with the OhPawpets show
“Three truths and a lie - Catzador” with the Chaos Lounge
“Three truths and a lie - DuskyShine” with the Chaos Lounge
A look at the art on the walls of the Chaos Lounge
“Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge
Hamisyum reviews the show
jell-o with a straw … but mashed potatos?
Favourite item on the school menu?