Table of Contents
Episode: 270
Airdate: Nov 13, 2005 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]There goes the rating. Period.
- Coyote?
Show Highlights
- Scritch sniffs the camera - and smells pizza, popcorn and B.O.
- Scritch discovered that “Family Guy” has the same rating as FPS…
- Brian's fly-by animations!
- Tribute to the letter 'Q'
- Rice cakes!
- Java does the eye-walk
- Brian's Weasel Time!! animation - with several weasels dancing along
- Liesl is groced out be the wet carpet
- “Let's have a look at Kuddlepup's iPod”
- Everybody wonders why there's a bronze turd in Yappy Fox's house (See Episode 268)
- Guess the movie
- Crappy Doo gets a fro!
- Yappy Fox downs a mezcal worm
- Simba learns that 28 days in fact IS four weeks
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Caption: cat watching a mouse on a monitor
- Pawpets getting revenge on their neighbors
Videos shown
- Music video - “Been Caught Stealing” by Jane's Addiction
- Karma Chameleon
- “Do you have a period?” PSA video
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Ezra “That was sick!”
episodes/episode_270.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by