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Table of Contents
Episode: 916
Airdate: Jul 16, 2023 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Yve, also a badger
- Yve 1)
- CoastHusky 2)
- Reo Grayfox 3)
- inari gshepherd 4)
- Shortcake21 5)
- Fred_Bedderhead 6)
- SnowyArcticFox 7)
- The Foxo 8)
- Silva Blu 9)
- Old man chris 10)
- Fooma 11)
- CCritt93 12)
- John R Hall 13)
- Corthewolf 14)
- WheelieHusky 15)
- Closetfox 16)
- Ajax_Wolfaroo 17)
- Toxy LoneWolf 18)
- Waff- 19)
- Campyun 20)
- BladesHell 21)
- PupTerri 22)
- bungeeskunk 23)
- Denali Shep 24)
- Cason_TheFloof 25)
- Bee Nooki 26)
- Text Wall 27)
- SisuLastDragon 28)
- Blue Wing Raven 29)
- RoushTheShepsky 30)
- Furdemon 31)
- speedybaby 32)
- Loreck1 33)
- Hybrid666Wolf 34)
- Peppermint_the_Husky 35)
- goatcanon 36)
- Valckan 37)
- Gallant- 38) 20230716
- legoarmy 39)
- Coolmario88 40)
- Londondog2009 41)
- Zalno 42)
- ReaperTheDoug 43)
- wildfireco224 44)
- dashingfoxie 45)
- Tora Daku 46)
- RunicRasol 47)
- AzureLupine 48)
- Gryndelwyld 49)
- Tarin Coyote 50)
- ItsBegger 51)
- Reyess126 52)
- Twitchy Gamer 53)
- CooperFomation 54)
- TheKing500 55)
- CrunchyCrowe 56)
- HeckGeck 57)
- CheapBones 58)
- AriZona_The_Tea 59)
- SammyBigBear 60)
- Silfur 61)
- Boots! 62)
- Zombiedamanz 63)
- Dravnas 64)
- Reimei 65)
- AlichiaC 66)
- UnholyCosplay 67)
- ScrappyDragon 68)
- fam.317074 69)
- ConnerBear 70)
- Hell On Hooves 71)
- Jettski_the_fox 72)
- maybe-mike 73)
- Spikedouglas 74)
- Rhinowolf 75)
- blackwolf.409618 76)
- Roxikat 77)
- Anjo The Banjo 78)
- MartinOtter 79)
- LegendaryMage 80)
- Orvin Raqoon 81)
- Hagrid145 82)
- tim.25377 83)
- coopertom 84)
- Taboxli 85)
- BleuSomme 86)
- King Maze 87)
Show Highlights
- The stage now has more disco-lightbulbs
- A Magic Lizard (with a whole novel attached) as been donated
- Toxxie is still working at 7-11
- Due to several food-delivery mishaps, toxxie now has $350 in gift-cards
- Tonights guest is Yve the Badger
- Yve gets interviewed
- “VR Checkers”
- “Where do you stand?” with the Chaos Lounge
- Yve gets interviewed pt.2
- “Which Came First?” with the Chaos Lounge
- Mutt tests a new game in the Chaos lounge, and is unsure what it's actually called… “Truth or Roll”?
- Chat with Reo Grayfox about VR
- Mutt went to a toy-convention, there photos to be shown
- KP shows an Underdog lunch box, an Underdog watch and an Underdog piggy-bank
- Yet another of the disco-lights broke, a new supplier is needed
- Poink has to leave early due to Computer-issues
- KP wanted to play on some of his retro computers, but the RF-adapters were missing
- KP notes that tonights show-number is the same if you rotate it 180 (it's called a “Strobogrammatic number”)
- Oni_Kidou is working on the song for Wiggle Fox
- Yve also have to leave early due to Computer-issues
- KP suggests a new game “Answer truthfully”
- - and it is tested in the Chaos Lounge
- The cast reads some jokes written in the Chaos Lounge
- “Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge
- “Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge - round 2
- “Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge - round 3
- KP celebrated the K-moms birthday on Saturday
- Next week the show is visiting a Furry Museum in VRchat
- Whats coming up?
Videos Shown
- Keetah - Furwalk 88)
- Rocket T. Coyote - Ad: Letterheads by Bedderhead 89)
- Between the Lions - You're watching the Funday Pawpet Show 90)
- Bear in the Big Blue House - You're watching the Funday Pawpet Show 91)
- Gordiepie - worm. (Ft Mizu Bunny) 92)
- Toxxie - Pokémon GO+ 93)
- Rocket T. Coyote - Learnin' to spell with Darnell 94)
- Rocket T. Coyote - Rocket's Junk: TigerJoe Toy tank 95)
- Rocket T. Coyote - Arcas launch 96)
- Yve - Puppetry reel 2021 97)
“Last Words” (and Actions)
- Mutt - “Simba next week”
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episodes/episode_916.1689706621.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/07/18 11:57 by Mizu