Table of Contents
Episode: 993
Airdate: Feb 23, 2025 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]The show with a sniffle
- Loss of sound 00:30:41 - 00:33:12
Show Highlights
- Florida had a weekend of nice 21°C weather
- Mutt has left his voice somewhere
- Poink has yet again been unlucky with his job, but has found another one starting next week
- Rasvar and KP has helped straighten things out a little
- Fooma found a gift for Yappy
- KP reads a sort story
- If you want; make a short video for the 1000th show telling why you're a viewer
- Due to a technical hiccup, there's a sign language segment
- Toxxie talks about his problems finding an apartment near his work
- Brainstorm about how to make things move faster
- There's a show on 4/20 (20. April for the rest of the world), Mutt has thoughts
- That is also Easter Sunday
- and also really close to being show #1000
- What's the price of eggs in your area?
- “Three truths and a lie - Pinocchio Day” with the Chaos Lounge
- KP asks “Am I the only one who is tiered of Korean hot pot?”
- Mutt has some photos from the Ren-faire
- Something in the show automation is broken, and Yappy has spent most of the week getting things mostly back to normal
- But now something is broken in the connection to the Chaos Lounge - so no sound
- Fooma and KP visited “The Dough Show”, a pie shop
- “Friend-Zone - Fred Bedderhead” with the Chaos Lounge
- “Friend-Zone - Campyun” with the Chaos Lounge
- “Friend-Zone - Vance” with the Chaos Lounge
- KP is going to attend a meeting in Pittsburgh next weekend - he might not make it back in time for the show
- Mutt interviews Toonyyx/Maui's last braincell(.ai)
- Weirdest place you've needed to take a wee?
- “Hot Lava” with the Chaos Lounge
- “KP's Spotlight Question” with the Chaos Lounge
- The cast reads some jokes written in the Chaos Lounge
- KP improvises a “Learnin' to spell with Darnell” as one of the still broken things are video playback
- This weekend Nordic Fuzz Con is on in Malmö, Sweden - Reo Grayfox and Atkelar is attending
- Fooma has pictures of a furry restaurant
- Please be nice in the Discord, if you misbehave and break Discord policies, we might loose the thing
- What's in the art-jams?
- “Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge
- “Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge - round 2
- There's some updates for VRChat that might be implemented in the new Chaos Lunge
- Talk about Muzak in shops
Videos Shown
- Mutt - ren faire 001 1)
- Mutt - ren faire 002 2)
- Mutt - ren faire 003 3)
- Mutt - ren faire 004 4)
- Mutt - ren faire 005 5)
- Mutt - ren faire 006 6)
- Mutt - ren faire 007 7)
- Mutt - Dirty car 8)
- Mutt - Landfill 9)
- Mutt - Raccoon captured by pest control 10)
- Mutt - ren faire 008 11)
- KP - “The Dough Show” 12)
- Scorch/?? - Demonstration of lifelike masks 13)
“Last Words” (and Actions)
- KP - “Love you Fooma”
episodes/episode_993.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/26 16:31 by Jake