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Episode: 816

Airdate: Apr 11, 2021  [Download] [Artjams and other files ]

Reflect on this




  • Chenall 1)
  • Furdemon 2)
  • Dynamite34 3)
  • Lil M Katsu 4)
  • slushiwolf 5)
  • PedigreeDaHusky 6)
  • Jc Husky 7)
  • Thea FX 8)
  • Glendening 9)
  • Wolfdog2007 10)
  • EarBleedMaster 11)
  • Coastr 12)
  • Zalno 13)
  • Kzin_tiger 14)
  • FoxyRainbowz 15)
  • Adikinz 16)
  • Lionel_Toy 17)
  • Kipper_snax 18)

Show Highlights

  • Mutt made new artwork, and broke the website - multiple times
  • …so Yappy had to spend a few days mending the website
  • What count as exercise on a fitbit?
  • JR's fish died, the aquarium now has a new inhabitant
  • Poink reads a list of “naughty” names, what will get you banned on twitch/twitter?
  • Mutts adventure in highly processed foods
  • How much do you need to spend to get a good VR experience?
  • Is working from home good or bad for your fitness? - the opinions are mixed
  • Rat-update from Mutt, it doesn't hate Mutt any more and it's growing fast
  • JR went for a jog in the park, and helped rescue an alligator
  • Mutt tries to explain technical stuff :-O
  • Is VR-chat on a 20 year lag (compared to fursuits) on individual character designs?
  • Colour-blindness and color-correcting
  • “Would you rather” with Mutt
  • Tech support with KP
  • Mutt got his vaccine shot and felt really ill for a night
  • Adikinz gets interviewed
  • KP had a ride in the flashy rave mobile, due to a 410 sugar level
  • The cast remembers old incidents that ended in an ambulance
  • Yappy got more tech - an Oscilloscope
  • It's been a long time since there have been a subservient at Yappys - guess is they'll return in Jan '222
  • Your good local (chain) restaurant
  • How has South Park not been cancelled?!?
  • Yappy installed a expensive anti-reflective coating on the zoom TV, but Crappy doesn't care

Videos Shown

  • Mutt - Dirty Pebbels video 19)
  • Star Raccoon - Ask A Raccoon: Fake Fursuit? 20)
  • Atkelar - Tidbits 03: Plotter Pen Exchange 21)

"Last Words" (and Actions)

  • Crappy - “Bye”
episodes/episode_816.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/12 11:03 by Jake

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