A rundown of activities can be found here.
Starts at around 1:26:00 in the download. A game show where contestants (the guests) answer questions to win $1.
Pre-Qualification Question
What movie is this phrase from - “You can't throw his head, you got to throw your own head!”
One Cent
What is Scooby-Doo's favorite food?
Provos's answer: A
Five Cents
What is the name of the penguin in the comic strip, Bloom County?
Provos's answer: A
Ten Cents
Who wrote the book Animal Farm?
Provos's answer: C
25 Cents
What comedy team starred in the movies Horsefeathers and Duck Soup?
Provos's answer: D (lifeline - audience)
50 Cents
On the TV show Coach, what was the mascot for Minnesota State University?
Provos's answer: D (lifeline - calling SK-1)
What is the first name of Mr. Snuffleupagus?
Provos's answer: B
Provos lost EVERYTHING!!! Consolation prize: a free trip to the tattoo parlor to get an “L” on his forehead.
Starts at around 3:02:28 in the download.
Read by: Arthur
“Working at a Temp Job”
This week, I had to work at a temp job for the Dirty Cellophane Company. I thought it might be a giant assignment because I needed someone to pounce a lot of suits and stuff them into snakes. I was totally surprised when I saw SK-1 down there, and saw him holding a lederhosen with a nun stuffed in his uniform pocket. “Golly gee willickers!” I shouted. “What are you doing with that? I'm supposed to unsubscribe every turkey that I get with it. And if I find a loose hair in the batch, I'm supposed to bring it to my supervisor, Ezra. He is looking for as many as he can find.” I continue trying to watch as idiotically as I could. But it was hard, because as soon as I would finish, a plushie would appear and make things go slower. I had to keep this up for 42 hours. Little did I realize that the company wanted to give me a bunch of platypi as comp pay. I seriously thought about it, but decided to turn the page. I needed cash more. Although next time, if I do an assignment there again, I'll ask if I can get some free puppets in advance. That would be most excellent.