JR got a book about Flash Gordon with lots of behind the scenes info
Bernie with mittens has become a meme, but why does things become a meme?
Talk about the inauguration (and the fireworks)
Is there more or less show-techy-stuff to run the show than before? - well is definitely smaller
Can you breathalyse people for being stoned?
The new Animaniacs series, will it still be funny in 20 years?
Topic from FredBedderhead: If you were stuck in a TV-show for the rest of your life. What would be the worst and best live-action show. And what would be the best and worst animated show?
Poink reads a tracklist of “Dad rock”
Yappy found a mashup (Stevie Wonder, Run DMC, Beastie Boys) everyone likes it and bobs along
Yappy isn't impressed about Mutt's playlist
KP tells about the quest for “Apple Beige”
Talk about youtube channels that does tech and subscriber numbers
Could the 18-year-olds that compete in dancecomps at furcons today do the same when they're 30?
The last JarJar figure dies
Coopertom gets interviewed about the four seasons VR world
Yappy visits a few worlds in VRChat
Nature calls on the phone now?
Space elevators and other Sci-fi things possible in the future?
Talk about easter decorations
The car that Simba blew up (see
episode_740) is still not repaired
What is the car actually worth today? (if it wasn't for the hole)
Maybe the intro theme should have an update..
Yappy tests the Replay - it still works fine
If the show got a place in VRChat, how should it look?