Table of Contents
Episode: 886
Airdate: Nov 20, 2022 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Thanksgiving'22 - a fine show for disapproval
- Dashingfoxie 1)
- zorinlynx 4)
- Shortcake21 5)
- Woffle Nibbler 6)
- Fooma 7)
- bungeeskunk 8)
- Closetfox 9)
- AzureLupine 10)
- CCritt93 11)
- Timothy Wolf 12)
- jjsavercool 13)
- Fred_Bedderhead 14)
- Shizuka the Fox 15)
- Coastr 16)
- Ajax_Wolfaroo 17)
- PuddyPanda 18)
- AlfieTheFox 19)
- FurryAries 20)
- AxlTheKasa 21)
- DAG-XR 22)
- AnthroFurry 23)
- Rocko The Wolf 24)
- Shadow-D-Husky 25)
- Reo Grayfox 26)
- Michel Mephit 27)
- RC-Bif 28)
- Zaxin! 29)
- TaterBaiter 30)
- MixelsFan2021 31)
- Bubs_Smarties 32)
- Furdemon 33)
- Boots! 34)
- Wolfdog1981 35)
- Foxy_the_Pirate- 36)
- MasterAdler 37)
- Reyess126 38)
- Salisbury Fox 39)
- Peppermint_the_Husky 40)
- WheelieHusky 41)
- logarthsheppy 42)
- Starkey_NossFox 43)
- Rhinowolf 44)
- Roxikat 45)
- Corthewolf 46)
- TheGremlinOrvix 47)
- maxgoof 48)
- TobiasFoxtail 49)
- Kerrija 50)
- Juice… 51)
- Silfur 52)
- Ross_Husky 53)
- HighTale 54)
Show Highlights
- It's Thanksgiving tonight (it's close enough) - Recherei brought a turkey for the cast to dine on
- Simba will not be in tonight as he's feeling unwell
- Talk about Thanksgiving traditions
- …and then right on to Christmas decorations
- Tonights first guest, Recherei, shows up on stage as “McGuffin the crime dog”
- Yappy is going to take a nap, - he forgot to start the show recorder, - it's a good thing that there's four backups
- The second guest of the night Dashingfoxie gets Zoom working
- Discussion about peeling plastic-wrapping off of new electronics
- Toxxie owes yet another $ to the swear-jar
- Dashingfoxie is a “Thanksgiving-ambassador” 00:46? - though Mutt thinks this ambassador is a tad aggressive
- “Hot Lava” with the Chaos Lounge 00:55:00
- Poink upgraded his iPad - is the laptop on it's way out?
- What Thanksgiving foods increases your risk for acne?
- You can apparently get acne treatment for turkeys
- How to fit Toxxie on stage - it takes quite some yelling … from everyone
- Poink disapproves of everything on the show
- Thanksgiving trivia (multiple times through the show)
- Talk about the new Zootopia+ shorts
- “Would you Rather” with the Chaos Lounge
- Yappys neighbour gets a visit from the Fire-service
- Talk about Mutts (Smart) Car
- Recherei gets interviewed
- Dashingfoxie gets interviewed
- Toxxie is asleep on the floor, again (though this time in the living room)
- …and Yappy has an ice block in the freezer
- Fun with the voice controlled light
- Yappy drops an ice cube down Toxxies pants
- “Where do you stand?” with the Chaos Lounge
- Mutt tickles the sleeping Toxxie
- Yappy reads some jokes written in the Chaos Lounge
- KP calls in after visiting a steakhouse
- “Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge - Thanksgiving
- Fooma crashes in the middle of a sentence
- “Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge - Round 2
- Mutt has gotten an earworm
- Next week is the show anniversary
Videos Shown
“Last Words” (and Actions)
- Mutt - makes turkey sounds
Live in the Foxden -
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episodes/episode_886.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/21 08:46 by Jake