Table of Contents
Episode: 920
Airdate: Aug 13, 2023 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]3-hour nugget-rocks
- Grey Wolf - Yappy 02:17:27
? name
- Grey Wolf #2 - Yappy 02:28:37
? name
- Raccoon - Yappy 02:29:28
? name
- Reo Grayfox 1)
- jhak 2)
- Shortcake21 3)
- Campyun 4)
- Fred_Bedderhead 5)
- Clubpenguinuser509 6)
- Maibu 7)
- cole_fox 8)
- Yuutomo 9)
- CoastHusky 10)
- The Foxo 11)
- Corthewolf 12)
- Fooma 13)
- Closetfox 14)
- M1ch_ 15)
- Sotalo 16)
- emmya 17)
- Silfur 18)
- MartinOtter 19)
- RetroCat873 20)
- Dravnas 21)
- Hagrid145 22)
- John R Hall 23)
- inari gshepherd 24)
- JimHawking 25)
- RoushTheShepsky 26)
- wildfireco224 27)
- Ajax_Wolfaroo 28)
- V_c_R 29)
- Draco.Azul 30)
- Loreck1 31)
- Denali Shep 32)
- Toxy LoneWolf 33)
- Jettski_the_fox 34)
- Aleisha- 35)
- CCritt93 36)
- Vine_ 37)
- Cammy2003 38)
- Furdemon 39)
- ScuffedPan 40)
- Text Wall 41)
- Sobatin 42)
- Cason_TheFloof 43)
- Wolfdog1981 44)
- Danny_Kong 45)
- Michel Mephit 46)
- bungeeskunk 47)
- CooperFomation 48)
- Boqi 49)
- dashingfoxie 50)
- Boots! 51)
- FlashyPixel 52)
- Tempest_W0lf 53)
- Raven_Pup 54)
- bopthedoggie 55)
- Sibir Lupus 56)
- BlastBeatFolf 57)
- Hybrid666Wolf 58)
- eligecos 59)
- Smallzzz 60)
- Yoyobuae 61)
- Battercake 62)
- Roxikat 63)
- PiscoFox 64)
- Rhinowolf 65)
- TaterBaiter 66)
- PhotographOtter 67)
- ManInTheWall 68)
- Yasha DragnFire 69)
- Phurbutt 70)
- SamsonSilvo 71)
- YukiXG 72)
- SteelClaw_fox 73)
- Zephfur 74)
Show Highlights
- Ditto is still visiting
- A new sound board has been installed, Mutt is breaking it in … on Toxxie
- Scorch sent in a puzzle
- Toxxie is planning next weeks guest - Crazyhusky
- it was 115 °F yesterday, it was really hot
- “Jump the hurdles” with the Chaos Lounge
- What would you use the money for if you won the $1.5 billion lottery?
- Anyone got any vacation plans?
- What is the opposite of a snowbird?75)
- Long-haul flights - how do people manage?
- “Which Came First?” with the Chaos Lounge
- Mutt shows some photos from the “2023 So Cal Fur-B-Q” sent in by Kresblain
- Talk about Toxxies job at 7-11
- “Where do you stand? - Yuu-tomo” with the Chaos Lounge
- Poink general news
- Movie news with Poink
- Something scared KP - it turned out be be a deer right on the patio
- Talk about the “Haunted Mansion” movie
- The cast reads some jokes written in the Chaos Lounge
- “Deal or no deal” with the Chaos Lounge
- “Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge
- “Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge - round 2
- “Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge - round 3
Videos Shown
“Last Words” (and Actions)
- Mutt - “Love you Closet”
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it's a sunbird –> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snowbird_(person)
episodes/episode_920.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/14 15:09 by Jake