Table of Contents
Episode: 940
Airdate: Jan 07, 2024 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]The calm show
- zorinlynx 1)
- Lue-Duck 2)
- bungeeskunk 3)
- Campyun 4)
- Shortcake21 5)
- CCritt93 6)
- The Foxo 7)
- Closetfox 8)
- Ivanova12431 9)
- YuutomoTiger 10)
- Vixenin 11)
- Furdemon 12)
- John R Hall 13)
- Frapp 14)
- Silfur 15)
- Ajax_Wolfaroo 16)
- Coolmario88 17)
- KaguriShiba21 18)
- PeppermintthecuteHusky 19)
- corthewolf 20)
- Naddar 21)
- wildfireco224 22)
- Croyfish 23)
- wolf Monster 24)
- Fred_Bedderhead 25)
- ScuffedPan 26)
- Fooma 27)
- John R Hall 28)
- StrwrzIV 29)
- Loreck1 30)
- dashingfoxie 31)
- inari gshepherd 32)
- FreeSnuggles 33)
- Inktail 34)
- Tempest_W0lf 35)
- Boots! 36)
- Reyess126 37)
- DeeterRabbit 38)
- Astral_Shifts 39)
- North_TBT 40)
- AquaFox Zorro 41)
- SixFlea 42)
- Lyrac 43)
- WeissBnuuy 44)
- AzureLupine 45)
- CooperFomation 46)
- Shymatsi 47)
- Chenall 48)
- Luckofthefox 49)
- garrford 50)
- KodaPyroWolf 51)
- Crazyjoe1952 52)
- Flir 53)
- yoguy22 54)
- Star_Borealis 55)
- TABtheBAT 56)
- Acting Flight 57)
- Phurbutt 58)
- Rhinowolf 59)
- J-Pup 60)
- Hyroe 61)
- SaltyPaws 62)
- TogeTechnical 63)
- Michel Mephit 64)
- Just Justin 65)
- Tommy da bat 66)
- Reyo Redwolf 67)
- Frisky~ 68)
Show Highlights
- Atkelar has technical problems and sounds like a Zylon, or is it a Protogen
- Toxxie is at home working on a project
- KP has a new job and is starting tomorrow
- When is the correct time to remove the Christmas decorations
- KP tests a new crappy segment called “Has Crappy seen this?”
- The show visits the stream of KazumaGShep
- Atkelar sent a “short” video that's 30 minutes
- “The Dashing-ism game” with Mutt
- The rest of the cast checks in if Mutt has done his boring adult things
- If you're doing spring cleaning? - send a photo to the Discord channel!
- Mutt has lots of plans for next month: Wizard of Oz, Megacon, Florida state faire, Renn faire & work-things
- KP hypnotizes Atkelar wit the help of a mechanical metronome
- Counting binary on your fingers? - alphabet backwards, in Austrian?
- QWERTZ and “¨” - Yappy concludes that “¨” makes the letters sound a little ill.
- The letter Bob (see episode_160 or episode_284)
- Best Buy is getting rid of DVD and BR
- Stupid warnings just for Americans
- Statistics are weird
- “Hot Lava” with the Chaos Lounge
- Talk about the Alaska Airlines Boeing 737 MAX 9 that got a hole in the fuselage
- The cast reads some jokes written in the Chaos Lounge
- Japanese fursuiters are cute …and Discord has too many channels
- “Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge
- “Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge - round 2
- Toxxie is have a job interview in a weeks time
- The Discord is closing in on 500 users
- Should the ability to GONG videos be brought back?
- 60 shows to 10000
Videos Shown
- Gibson - fursuit video 69)
- Oni_Kidou - Dad jokes 70)
- Atkelar - HP 410C VTVM - Workshop Project #29 71)
- Rocket T. Coyote - Learnin' to spell with Darnell 72)
- Rocket T. Coyote - Rocket's junk 73)
- Rocket T. Coyote - My little mercury redstone 74)
- Rocket T. Coyote - ad 75)
- Toxxie - Happy Birthday 76)
- vysefoxx - taco bell foxx 77)
- Studio643 - Mela! (JMoF 2024) 78)
“Last Words” (and Actions)
- Mutt - Hangs himself
- Atkelar - “Ooups”
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01:58:50 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlpNK7vdQKA
episodes/episode_940.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/14 14:54 by Jake