Table of Contents
Episode: 947
Airdate: Feb 25, 2024 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]AI VR WC
- Dog - Yappy 00:28:14
? name
- DravenDrago 1)
- inari gshepherd 2)
- Shortcake21 3)
- Campyun 4)
- TakumaKitsune12 5)
- levieastwood2012 6)
- DeeterRabbit 7)
- Vance_PackwoodYT-22 8)
- corthewolf 9)
- Fooma 10)
- bungeeskunk 11)
- Frapp 12)
- Dr. Softpaws 13)
- SisuLastDragon 14)
- MikeDAWolf 15)
- PhysicsDude_ECO 16)
- Star_Borealis 17)
- Lue-Duck 18)
- Neo_Blight 19)
- AzureLupine 20)
- Sibir Lupus 21)
- robcollie 22)
- AquaFox Zorro 23)
- Michel Mephit 24)
- John R Hall 25)
- adorabledalmation 26)
- JimHawking 27)
- Thomas Doebi 28)
- Nightmare_bat 29)
- Ajax_Wolfaroo 30)
- Zalno 31)
- henrizimenoff 32)
- CoastHusky 33)
- Arcticflare 34)
- Furdemon 35)
- BunnyGalMari 36)
- dashingfoxie 37)
- MeijiMeowth 38)
- Alejandro T 39)
- Venti_The bard 40)
- [cyberiad] Phoenix 41)
- Abomb51 42)
- CooperFomation 43)
- Pjay_The_Racc 44)
- ScuffedPan 45)
- Shadow-D-Husky 46)
- Dex2 47)
- kajar9 48)
- Tric0_ 49)
- SkullpunkVR 50)
- Boots! 51)
- Closetfox 52)
- SnickersWolf37 53)
- BuzzBear 54)
- Jacegame33355)
- DCKingFox 56)
- Niomi_Roar 57)
- Noob9207 58)
- MeggyVR 59)
- SarahDynamite 60)
- Nurdyguyz 61)
- Isabun 62)
- Fractarine 63)
- jiraiya.46 64)
- TordMr.Shark.Mr.Piranha 65)
- Supergun7000 66)
- Loreck1 67)
- Reyess126 68)
- Gergoth Rex 69)
- Wolfcatwildcat 70)
- JaySixteen 71)
- halowolf007 72)
- Jaxstonmongus 73)
- goldenwolf.2500 74)
- Zephfur 75)
- Dj ZadeLicious 76)
Show Highlights
- Things start off really sweet
- With thanks to BigClive the electronics in the hot chicken from episode_945 is repaired, but Toxxie has now misplaced the chicken
- Last Monday Sy Sable (Mark Merlino) passed away
- ScuffedPan mislabeled a package, but it found its way to Yappy anyway
- Poink is applying for a job at Lockheed
- Scorch sent in a new critter for the show
- A look at what Pocketducks has for sale at the moment
- Mutt has photos from a day out (Renn faire, Tea house, Drag show)
- Fred_Bedderhead's AI toilet designs - send in your favourite in the Discord AI channel
- “Where do you stand? - Vance_PackwoodYT” with the Chaos Lounge
- “Where do you stand? - Lue-Duck” with the Chaos Lounge
- “Where do you stand? - SisuLastDragon” with the Chaos Lounge
- Dashingfoxie is visiting the show next week
- Words that does not have an equivalent in English
- A look in the election discord
- Talk about different TV-series
- Movie news with Poink
- If you were to replace the music in Guardians?
- “Hot Lava” with the Chaos Lounge
- What has been sent in for Favourite AI toilet?
- The cast reads some jokes written in the Chaos Lounge
- Nurdyguyz gets interviewed
- “Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge
- “Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge - round 2
- “Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge - round 3
Videos Shown
- Mutt - Renn faire 77)
- Mutt - Drag show 78)
- Dashingfoxie - election video 79)
- Rocket T. Coyote - election video 80)
- Dipper - A message from general James Frankel (retired) 81)
- Gibson - RIP Mark Merlino - Sy Sable 82)
- Rocket T. Coyote - launch 83)
- Rocket T. Coyote - Learnin' to spell with Darnell 84)
- Rocket T. Coyote - ad 85)
“Last Words” (and Actions)
- Toxxie - “screaming”
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episodes/episode_947.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/27 09:34 by Jake