Table of Contents
Episode: 822
Airdate: May 23, 2021 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Roach visit
- The show is out of sync for about the first 3h
- Uncle Kage 1)
- JamieRat 2)
- Coastr 3)
- Jaspur 4)
- Thea-FX 5)
- LKIWS 6)
- Toxxic0 7)
- Shortcake21 8)
- emmya 9)
- Furdemon 10)
- Shadow-D-Husky 11)
- ~Rhuk~ 12)
- inari gshepherd 13)
- Jc Husky 14)
- FurryRomo 15)
- Chenall 16)
- WheelieOtter 17)
- Novatosh 18)
- Ravenclaw1993 19)
- GeorgeWholesome 20)
- Zalno 21)
- BlitzAcerosin 22)
- speedybaby 23)
- Commander A9 24)
- Kzin_tiger 25)
- OmniKitty 26)
- SergalGoesMerp 27)
- Buddy 28)
- Capsky 29)
- Baloobear86 30)
- The goblin hut 31)
- Asher_Aeterna 32)
- Woffle Nibbler 33)
- Zeph. 34)
- holmebrian 35)
- ImpBellzee 36)
- Slaevek 37)
Show Highlights
- Tonights guest has lost Internet connection, a replacement has stepped in
- Uncle Kage is tonights guest
- Yappy has been fixing the errors in VR Living room that showed up last week
- Kage hasn't been on the show in years (last show was episode_475) so there's some catching-up to be done
- Mutt and tech is still not compatible and he only gets one line of text on the chat-screen
- Kage will be attending Megaplex this year
- Poink has been made honorary ranger in the park where he jogs - it sets off a discussion about service animals
- Check in with the OhPawpets show
- Not so smart people and gasoline in plastic bags
- Mutt is about to get an update to the VR setup - tomorrow after 3PM
- “Would you Rather” with the VR living room
- VR living room is now the “Chaos Lounge” by Soya
name sp? 38)
- Today is Oni_Kidou' one year anniversary on the show
- What was the last thing you got on Ebay?
- The one thing you bought online that you regret?
- on 20190412 12:30 Kage officially became “old”
- Follow-up on Georges visit last week
- Yappy ranks different types of stairs for falling on
- Talk about pringles flavours
- Poink reads a list of weird pringles flavours
- If you want comfort food at a restaurant - what do you order?
- “Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge
- Yappy now has an official twitch test chart to check if things a out of sync - the results are inconclusive
- This has been a week of spotty Internet and technical issues for everyone
- Does this need more cowbell?
- The government declassified reports of UFO sightings
- Do you like anime?
- Vaping is bad for you - but how bad
- The test chart is out again
- Toxxic0 sings “Tiptoe Through The Tulips”
- With the help of OhPawpets we might go back in time
- movie talk
- Plans for the next weeks?
- Mutt is going to CoasterCon in mid June
- Yappy tries to fix the sync issue and things go all echoey
- Mutt watched videos of snakes eating rats
- “Multiple choice game” with the Chaos Lounge
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Mutt - Screams
episodes/episode_822.txt · Last modified: 2021/05/26 12:09 by Jake