Table of Contents
Episode: 895
Airdate: Jan 29, 2023 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]McGuffins return
- Toxxie (VRChat only)
- Bear with right to bear arms
- Banana - Mutt 01:26:30
- Dragon - Yappy 02:35:06
- Recherei 1) / McGuffin the crime dog
- Fooma 2)
- Closetfox 3)
- Flamingotoast 4)
- Shortcake21 5)
- Fred_Bedderhead 6)
- John R Hall 7)
- Campyun 8)
- AzureLupine 9)
- Lima_bean11 10)
- -Athan- 11)
- Xvee626 12)
- Ajax_Wolfaroo 13)
- Rieshal 14)
- NaterDaWired 15)
- Giant-Doom QC 16)
- Merry N'Diera 17)
- Otter Stitch 18)
- CCritt93 19)
- Scoutkin 20)
- Moyst Choice 21)
- The_Floof_Chip 22)
- Reo Grayfox 23)
- Corthewolf 24)
- Mavericka 25) ??
- Peppermint_the_Husky 26)
- ScuffedPan 27)
- Clubpenguinuser509 28)
- Star_Borealis 29)
- Reyess126 30)
- Izzeay 31)
- Dr. Softpaws 32)
- Boots! 33)
- TheGremlinOrvix 34)
- Shadow-D-Husky 35)
- OlliCopperwolf 36)
- AlfieTheFox 37)
- WheelieHusky 38)
- jjsavercool 39)
- Coastr 40)
- Sibir Lupus 41)
- Enarpy 42)
- Tyroflame 43)
- dashingfoxie 44)
- BlastBeatFolf 45)
- Silfur 46)
- A Moist Man 47)
- Valcatt 48)
- Surya Astra 49)
- BuzzBear 50)
- Furdemon 51)
- Rassifrassi 52)
- SisuLastDragon 53)
- halowolf007 54)
- Shymatsi 55)
- Rhinowolf 56)
- Slushiwolf 57)
- Wolfdog1981 58)
- IcarusSoftpaw 59)
- Crazyjoe1952 60)
- Shoto Kaneko 61)
- BurkhardBadger 62)
- Coolmario88 63)
- Sonya Writes 64)
Show Highlights
- The show starts without sound and in the dark - it's the fault of a piece of software, and not Mutt for a change
- In one minute flat, the topic changes to bathroom-activities
- It is now possible for viewers in the twitch chat to throw things at the camera in the lounge - it works sorta
- Some of the cast went to a Cirque du Soleil show with the K-mom
- Simba went to “Central Florida Zoo & Botanical Gardens”
- Toxxie and Mutt went to Universal Studios
- KP and Yappy isn't impressed about how Mutt keeps his house
- Fooma & KP went to a medieval fair
- Simba suggests replacing the door jam(b) with door jelly
- KP & Simba found a new place called “Jollibee” they make pies, amongst other things
- Toxxie is now bonked remotely in the Chaos Lounge
- Poink updated his VR setup
- Disney trivia with KP
- A video sparks a discussion about old boardgames
- McGuffin disguises as a leggyboy 65)
- Brian Holmes and Fooma might come visit the show in April
- Mutt discovered what happens when you press on an LCD screen
- Due to a technical glitch the automation thought the show was on yesterday and told everyone so
- JR tells about the one time he arrived at Yappys, and nobody had told him the show was off
- “Hot Lava” with the Chaos Lounge
- The Chaos Lounge sings some Disney song snippets
- Where is the line for words to say on the show? - the line is a bit blurry
- Talk about the new movie “Everything Everywhere All at Once”
- Mutt tells about an Oscars list made in Discord
- Porch pirate box with books from Scorch?
- KP reads some titles of books from Scorch
- KP talks about new commissions he has made
- WalmartFox makes an appearance
- Toxxie is Mutts charity
- KP's tips for cheap eating
- The cast reads some jokes written in the Chaos Lounge
- The Chaos Lounge & Yappys avatar is now quest compatible
- “Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge
- “Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge - round 2
- “Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge - round 3
- Recherei gets interviewed
- Yappy has ordered a ticket for Anthrocon
- Does Poink have a thing for Oni, or is it just pink critters?
- Eurofurence is changing dates and venue, so that might be a possibility too (depending on where and when)
- The cast wishes the Eurofurence team best of luck with the changes
Videos Shown
“Last Words” (and Actions)
- Poink - “God I love you Crappy!”
Live in the Foxden -
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Maned wolf
episodes/episode_895.txt · Last modified: 2023/01/30 11:21 by Jake