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The Drunk Show




Show Highlights

  • Mutt announces that they originally planned to do this as a joke for the 21st show but then moved it to the six month show and then decided “We'll just do it today!” - which is why it is still often believed that the drunk show was episode 21.
  • Mutt fails at introducing Timber even before the first shot
  • Mutt jokes about bathroom cam as Raini goes there…
  • …and says that “we will be the most popular furries on the cemetary if we really do that!”
  • A coke explosion! Herbie left a can of coke in the fridge and we can see Yappy Fox mopping the floor
  • Seaweed gets interviewed
  • Mutt and Mach discuss the different applications of Altoifd
  • Mutt performs “Major Tom”, floating weightless, Herbie below…
  • Mutt tells how he typed “anthropomorphic” into the internet once and his life has never been the same ever since…
  • Mutt suggests that somebody in fursuit answers the door for the pizza guy
  • Java gets eaten by a shark (Shak hasn't joined the cast yet)
  • Simba tries out various characters with the Arthur voice
  • Mach reads some tongue twisters from the channel
  • A Mutt (from the west coast) watches Skippy react on the stream, etc…
  • Fun with censor bars! And Carrot!
  • Mach is doing double shots…
  • The roll call ends up being a lol call
  • The Mach-cam
  • The cast discusses what amusement park rides would be cool when drunk
  • During a roll call, Mach is off to the restroom
  • DustyFox calls in and gets iterviewed by a Mutt who feels like a japanese movie for his bad lip-sync

Songs played

  • One Week - Barenaked Ladies
  • Squeezebox - The Who
  • Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground) - The Jacksons
  • Bad Touch (remix) - Bloodhound Gang
  • Major Tom (Coming Home) - Peter Schilling
  • I Am an Astronaut - Ricky Wilde
  • I Like Hubcaps - from Brak Presents the Brak Show Starring Brak
  • Highway 40 - from Brak Presents the Brak Show Starring Brak
  • Great to be a Nerd - Arrogant Worms
  • I Shot the Sheriff - Eric Clapton
  • Afternoon Delight - The Starland Vocal Band
  • Cocaine - Eric Clapton
  • Blinded by the Light - Manfred Mann's Earth Band
  • It's in His Kiss - Cher
  • Beeflog - from Brak Presents the Brak Show Starring Brak
  • YMCA - The Village People
  • Hit Me With Your Best Shot - Pat Benatar
  • I Want a New Drug - Huey Lewis and the News
  • Boot to the Head - The Frantics
  • Polka Power - Weird Al Yankovic
  • Your Horoscope for Today - Weird Al Yankovic
  • Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah - Allan Sherman
  • Together Again - Janet Jackson
  • If I Had a Million Dollars - Barenaked Ladies
  • To Sir With Love - Lulu
  • Indian Love Call - Slim Whitman
  • The Saga Begins - Weird Al Yankovic


  • Herbie got the idea for this episode from the “WKRP in Cincinatti” episode “Fish Story”, in which DJs Johnny Fever and Venus Flytrap participate in a drunk demonstration by having one drink every 15 minutes while on the air. Unfortunatly while Venus gets predictably hammered, the normally slow moving Fever's reaction time gets better with every drink.
  • Everyone agreed to surrender their car keys before the show begain, and to sleep it off that night at Yappy's house.

Videos shown

  • Pawpet Music Video: It's great to be a nerd - Pawpets West
  • Pawpet Music Video: It's in his kiss - Pawpets West
  • Pawpet Music Video: Polka Power/Your Horoscope for Today/Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah - CROW

"Last Words" (and Actions)

  • Mutt: “See you all next week! Peace out!”
  • After a few minutes of black screen, Yappy turns the cameras on again to capture silent footage of Simba walking around aimlessly, Mach sleeping it off, and Herbie playing around with a toy gun.
episodes/episode_23.1438744632.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/08/04 20:17 by Donovan Wesner

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