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Table of Contents
- Woofy
horse and wolf @ 2:11:00
Show Highlights
Promos? @ 1:31:00 plays “Win a Dollah!”
- Rasvar tries himself as a pawpeteer… and chokes Bitch Voop…
horse, wolf and frog do “alcoholic alphabet”
- Children pictures of Raini are shown on camera
- The short lived character Stay is introduced
@ 2:29:00
- “Oh my God! You killed Kenny!”
- Dedication to Mach:
song? @ 2:49:00
- Arthur reads this weeks MadLib
name? @ 3:20:00 gets interviewed
name? @ 3:35:00 calls in and gets interviewed
- Provos gets interviewed
- Naked Ken (in a dress) appears with a censor bar on his crotch - and Seal of disapproval orks louder the closer Ken gets to the camera
Videos shown
- Pawpet Music Video: Don't worry, be happy! - Pawpets West
- Pawpet Music Video: Big girls don't cry - Pawpets West
"Last Words" (and Actions)
episodes/episode_36.1439603821.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/08/14 18:57 by Donovan Wesner