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Episode: 810

Airdate: Jan 24, 2021  [Download] [Artjams and other files ]

and the subscriber count goes up




  • Coopertom 1)
  • kellogg_collie 2)
  • AJSpeedy544 3)
  • Mystery Otter 4)
  • RowdyTheFox 5)
  • Darkdragon23 6)
  • Furdemon 7)
  • sighotter 8)
  • Kipper_snax 9)

Show Highlights

  • JR got a book about Flash Gordon with lots of behind the scenes info
  • Bernie with mittens has become a meme, but why does things become a meme?
  • Talk about the inauguration (and the fireworks)
  • Is there more or less show-techy-stuff to run the show than before? - well is definitely smaller
  • Can you breathalyse people for being stoned?
  • The new Animaniacs series, will it still be funny in 20 years?
  • Topic from FredBedderhead: If you were stuk in a TV-show for the rest of your life. What would be the worst and best live-action show. And what would be the best and worst animated show?
  • Poink reads a tracklist of “Dad rock”
  • Yappy found a mashup (Stevie Wonder, Run DMC, Beastie Boys) everyone likes it and bobs along
  • Yappy isn't impressed about Mutt's playlist
  • KP tells about the quest for “Apple Beige”
  • Talk about youtube channels that does tech and subscriber numbers
  • Could the 18-year-olds that compede in dancecomps at furcons today do the same when they're 30?
  • Movietalk
  • The last JarJar figure dies
  • Coopertom gets interviewed about the four seasons VR wold
  • Yappy visits a few worlds in VRChat
  • Nature calls on the phone now?
  • Space elevators and other Sci-fi things possible in the future?
  • Talk about easter decorations
  • The car tha Simba blew up (see episode_740) is still not repaired
  • What is the car actually worth today? (if it wasn't for the hole)
  • Maybe the intro theme should have an update..
  • Yappy tests the Replay - it still works fine
  • If the show got a place in VRChat, how should it look?

Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description

  • Bernie with mittens

Videos Shown

  • UK vs USA10)
  • (snippet)Exploring the Technology Connections Set (1 million subscribers special)11)
  • (snippet)The Chevy Volt Concept is Dead. Is that good?12)
  • (snippet)TOSLINK: That one consumer fiber optic standard13)
  • (snippet)The Weird World in RGB14)
  • Mutt between the lions 15)
  • Mutt and the bear in the big blue house 16)
  • Atkelar - Restoration Project - Technics 615 Tape Deck 17)
  • Fox in Socks AC 2000 18)
  • AC 1999 - YappyFox and Herbie - Soul Bossa Nova 19)
  • Larger than life fursuit MFM 2001 20)
episodes/episode_810.1619556601.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/04/27 13:50 by Jake

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