Table of Contents
Chocolate Bunny Death
During the easter show the cast protests the increasing commercialization of Easter by destroying (i.e. “kill”) chocolate easter bunnies in creative ways. Viewer submissions that follow that subject are also a long honored tradition.
In addition to the bunny deaths, peeps are sometimes killed off too.
Easter 2001
Easter 2002
- death by blowtorch
- death by grill
- death by hammer
- Mystery guest1)
- Blender/Garbage disposal/Power drill
- Machine Gun - 2 Gryphon
- death by hotel drop
- death by PT Cruiser
- death by lighter fluid
- death between cars
- death by sickle
- Death by wrestler
- Death by leaf blower/Foot
- Death by lawn mower
- Jausting
- Microwave
- Death by peep stuffing
- Death by boiling water
- Death by Jedi
- Death by boiling water
- Death by riding mower
- Death by blow torch
- Death by microwave
- Peep trimmin'
- Death by balloon
- Death by rifle
- Death by pickup+mud
- Death by BBQ
- Death by hammer
- Death by hammer
- Death by sword
- Death by Vice (failed)
Easter 2003
- Death by Voop
- Death by snow blower
- “Smoking Kills”
- “Haircut”
- “Death by Visa card rejection fire”
- Death by Salad Shooter
- Industrial Press
- lens + sunlight
- ???? @ 1:57:50
- Hammer/Hedge Clippers/Weed Whacker/Sword
- Rubbing Alcohol
- Blender/Oatmeal
- Tanning Salon
- Jaws
- fire
- FANUC M6i Robot
- Meatgrinder
- Bonfire of the Peeps
- Explosions
Easter 2004
- “A Drilling Experience”
- “Faces of bunny death - Death by Voop”
- 26 deaths to the 1812 overture
- “Death by gun”
Easter 2005
- bunny + oven
- peeps + blow torch
- bunny + rubbing alcohol
- peep + alcohol
- Death by sport
- Bonfire of the peeps
- Gas
- Laser beam
- Gun
Easter 2006
- .22 pistol
- 26 ways to destroy peeps
- Katana
- Shark attack
- Death by snow mobil
- Mentos and Diet Coke
- Shark attack
Easter 2007
- 4WD runover
- Slow run over, Hit with a broomstick?
- Secondlife
- Dremel
- Fireworks
- Alien Peep
- Burining bunny
Easter 2008
Easter 2009
- Cannon + Blow Torch
- Lava Lamp Lapse
- BBQ-Pit fire
- Shooting range
- Discworld Version
- Carney Version
- Fire
- Subway
- Tennis/Stomping
- Nude Bunny Blend
- Hot water bath
Easter 2010
- Gun with silencer
- Snowball: Kitchen heart attack recipe
- Revenge of giant (2lbs) chocolate bunny
- Harddisk
- Breaking in half
- Redski - Car
- Tennis, Golf, Lawnmower
- TSG/Chilly/Klavi
- Space Shuttle
Easter 2011
- Death by Microwave
- Tesla Coil
- Burning
- Eating
- Mentos/Coke fail
- Beheading
- Death by Coffee
- Death in Minecraft
- Death by Scream Guy
- Fire in BBQ pit
- Bow and arrow
Easter 2012
- Fleshlight… or was it?
- firecracker & Road flare
- airsoft rifle
- WiFi
- Flashback: automatic weapon
- eating
- fox! (Peep)
- fireworks and glue
- swirly fireworks (Peep)
- lighter fluid? and matches - PsychoCatBoy
- katana - PsychoCatBoy
- arrow - PsychoCatBoy
- big bunny - Atkelar
- coffee - Atkelar
- 40W laser
- wooden claw… or not
Easter 2013
- snow blower
- (Cardboard egg death) big cats
- brick (slow motion)
- cheese grader
- in Minecraft
- explosion
- texting and driving
- plasma cutter
- meat grinder
- sword/baseball bat
- (Peep Death) eating
- hammer
Easter 2014
- Hatchet
- Gun
- Nailgun
- Paintball
- Drill
- Firepit
- Boiling water
- Harley
- reshaping into a cat
- Blender
- Slap Chop
- Airsoft Gun
- Frozen
- Cleaver
- Car
- Anvil
- Bowling ball
- Torch (2*)
- Pinata
- Durian
- Stove
- Car
- Hammer
- Saw
- Cooking
- Iron
- Heating Lamp
- Hairdryer
- Microwave+Peep
- Train
- Bigger Bunnies
Easter 2015
- OH Pawpets - Panic at the picknick
- kick
- Fursuit Nom
- Slow motion gunshot
- Axe
- Fire
- Grape Masher
- Archery
- Melting
- Death by review
- Death by Olaf!
Easter 2016
- Crushed by an arm
- Giant clams, cheese graters, and educational television
- Crushed by a hydraulic press
- Stabbed in the eyes and Joker smile
- Crucified by Peeps
- OH! Pawpets - Bloody Easter Massacre Part 3: Epic Meltdown
chocolate_bunny_death.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/09 05:51 by